Each state seeks to form a system of values ​​that is consistent with the goals and objectives of a given state and society and expressed mainly in the existing law. The fundamental principles of the organization of the sovereign state of the Republic of Uzbekistan are reflected in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the Article 63 of Chapter XIV of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the family is the primary unit of the society.

In the East, since ancient times, a family has been considered sacred, paying particular attention to its strength. The family is the small homeland of a man. This is a concept symbolizing the strength of bonds, a healthy lifestyle; reflecting the high spirituality that has developed over millennia.

A family in Uzbekistan has always been more than a union of two people: including numerous family ties, it grew to small communities with its moral principles, which preserved national identity and traditions of generations’ continuity.

From the first years of independence in our country, increasing the role and status of the family in society, strengthening its legal foundations were identified as the most important tasks:

Motherhood and childhood shall be protected by the state/Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chapter XIV. Family, Article 65/;

Children shall be equal before law regardless of the origin and civic status of parents/Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chapter XIV. Family, Article 65/;

Parents shall be obliged to support and care for their children until the latter are of age/Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chapter XIV. Family, Article 64/;

Able-bodied children, who are of age, shall be obliged to care for their parents/Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chapter XIV. Family, Article 66/.

The purest and noblest feelings and thoughts, the first concepts and representations of a person about life are formed in the family. It is the family that brings up in a person such qualities as kindness, nobility, love and care, honor and dignity, modesty.

The eastern system of parenting is based on the emotional component, it is important to transfer family values, the experience of generations, involving the child in family and national traditions.

In the East, parents seek by their own example to inspire children, influencing their feelings, expanding emotional contact. The child is simply present in the daily life of adults, naturally taking over their experience. Children are brought up in reverence for elders, they are keenly connected with their grandparents and with joy and humility obey the rules of the family hierarchy. The child grows up in love and harmony, being for all relatives a source of great joy.

Uzbeks are a very united people; a sense of unity for them is extremely important and laid at a very deep mental level. Therefore, growing up, the child continues to take care of his parents, transferring this feeling over time to his people as a whole, respecting the state in which he lives.

Family and family education issues in Uzbekistan are given special attention. Family values ​​are instilled from the early childhood, and family traditions are passed down from generation to generation.

In order to increase the legal culture and strengthen the family among the population of our country, thematic spiritual, educational and cultural events are systematically held.

These are meetings with representatives of justice explaining the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other legislative, normative and legal acts related to family issues, and joint events with healthcare organizations that discuss problems of protecting family health, enlightenment lectures in makhallas, workshops in “Family Psychology” in education institutions, family sports competitions, and, of course, systematic educational work among young people.

The most valuable thing in society is a person. And all the economic and social achievements of the state are aimed at creating for people the opportunity to live with dignity, study, work, create families, think about future generations.


Yelena Babenko,

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

Member of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.



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