Urazboyev Ural Kamolovich
Urazboyev Ural Kamolovich
Urazboyev Ural Kamolovich

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan




1993-1994 - mechanic of the State Automobile Inspectorate of Jizzakh Regional Department of Internal Affairs

1994-1997 - Head of the farm “Sakhob” on the territory of Jizzakh Regional Association of Water Users “Yangi Hayot”

1997-1997 - Head of the Cotton Growing team of the “Yangi Hayot” collective farm in Jizzakh region

1997-1998 - Statistician of Jizzakh Regional Association of Dehkan and Farming Households

1998-2005 - Responsible Secretary of the Rural Citizens Assembly “Gandumtosh” in Jizzakh district

2005-2007 - Chairman of the Rural Citizens Assembly “Gandumtosh” in Jizzakh district

2007-2011 - Head of the Organizational and Control Group of Jizzakh District Hokimiyat

2011-2012 - General Manager of the “Sakhob” farm on the territory of the Jizzakh Regional Association of Water Users “Yangi Hayot”

2012-2012 - UzLiDeP Head of the Sector for Working with Deputy Groups of Jizzakh Regional Council of UzLiDeP

2012-2012 - Head of the Archives Department of Jizzakh Regional Hokimiyat

2012-2012 - Head of the Organizational and Control Group of Jizzakh District Hokimiyat

2012-2017 - Chairman of the Board of Jizzakh District Branch of the “Mahalla” Charitable Public Foundation

03.2017-2019 - Chairman of Jizzakh Regional Council of the PDPU