It is necessary to strengthen state and public control over construction
It is necessary to strengthen state and public control over construction
In order to worthily participate in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local councils, the Bukhara Regional Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan is actively campaigning in all corners of the region...
The party's ideas are conveyed to voters in a door-to-door format
The party's ideas are conveyed to voters in a door-to-door format
These days, representatives of the Tashkent City Council of the party, volunteer units, and candidates for deputies are holding large-scale pre-election campaign events and meetings...
The ideas of the NDP protect the interests of all layers
The ideas of the NDP protect the interests of all layers
The beautiful and always modern city of Samarkand has become even more special these days. Every resident of Samarkand realizes and feels that another important political process will take place in the country in the near future...
A program that is fully compatible with the principles of the "social state"
A program that is fully compatible with the principles of the "social state"
The Tashkent Regional Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, together with primary party organizations and volunteer units, held a campaign event at the mahalla assembly "Nurabad" in the Okhangaran district...
Termiz hosts a public event dedicated to promoting the PDP’s election program
Termiz hosts a public event dedicated to promoting the PDP’s election program
On October 11, 2024, the leaders of the People’s Democratic Party held a public event, and a meeting with about 1,000 voters under the open sky in the square of the Art Palace in Termiz city, Surkhandarya region...
“Our goal is to introduce the educational voucher system!”
“Our goal is to introduce the educational voucher system!”
The proposal of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan to introduce an educational voucher system in higher education as a means of expanding the choice of education, strengthening competition, and improving quality in the field aims to solve several pressing issues...
The proposals of the People’s Democratic Party were also supported in Ellikkala
The proposals of the People’s Democratic Party were also supported in Ellikkala
The People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan is actively campaigning under the slogan “For the well-being of every person”...
Socially oriented market economy is the basis of strong social policy
Socially oriented market economy is the basis of strong social policy
There is a fact that the People's Democratic Party has been emphasizing on increasing the social efficiency of the market economy, and it has included clear, vital and popular proposals in this direction in the new election program. This is related to the goal of inculcating the ideas of humanity, equality in the reforms, putting social justice and solidarity above all else...
The People's Democratic Party is a supporter of a socially oriented market economy
The People's Democratic Party is a supporter of a socially oriented market economy
"For the welfare of everyone!" The Jizzakh Regional Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, which is actively campaigning under the slogan in particular, in the children's school "Barkamol avlod" of the Zafarabad district of the region, candidates for deputy from the UzNDP Nuriddin Kholmatov and Feruza Guliyeva met with voters...
For the welfare of everyone!
For the welfare of everyone!
At a meeting at the Denova Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, which was attended by party activists, deputies, candidates for the Oliy Majlis and local councils, youth, women and media representatives, a new election program of the party was presented and the party's candidates for deputies were presented to the public...
Introducing an accelerated education system for children who are late for the first grade for various reasons
Introducing an accelerated education system for children who are late for the first grade for various reasons
The initiative of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan to provide accelerated education for children who entered the first grade late and to introduce the procedure for transferring them to a higher class appropriate for their age is based on the need to create a comfortable environment for their intellectual, social and emotional development...
Voters are explained the party’s ideas
Voters are explained the party’s ideas
Today, the leaders of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan met with representatives of the primary electorate at the Shakhrisabz branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Kashkadarya region) in connection with the election campaign...
We support legal and safe migration
We support legal and safe migration
In our election program, we set the goal of increasing transparency in the activities of the Foreign Labor Migration Agency, increasing the agency’s responsibility to support our compatriots working abroad...
Meetings with international observers
Meetings with international observers
At the headquarters of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the party Ulugbek Vafoyev, and the officials of the election headquarters of the party met with the Deputy Secretary General of the CIS D. Trefilov, the Head of the Mission Staff of the Executive Committee of the CIS Y.V. Kozyak...
The people of Karakalpakstan approve the ideas of the party
The people of Karakalpakstan approve the ideas of the party
Activists of the Republic of Karakalpakstan of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, primary party organizations, volunteer groups are also conducting active propaganda activities. At the dialogue held at Karakalpak State University named after Berdak in Nukus, the party's new election program and candidates were introduced to the voters...
Candidates face voters in Tashkent region
Candidates face voters in Tashkent region
Activists of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Tashkent region, primary party organizations, volunteer groups are also conducting active propaganda activities...
Obeisance to the teachers
Obeisance to the teachers
The Central Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan held a literary and artistic holiday event at the Muqimi State Musical Theater of Uzbekistan on the occasion of October 1 - Teacher and Coach Day...
Party representatives met with pedagogues
Party representatives met with pedagogues
Leaders and activists of the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party met with teachers, educators and trainers working in pre-school and general education institutions in our capital at this event, which was organized with a completely new approach and broad scope. 150 industry representatives gathered in one round...
Political parties have signed ethical rules for election campaigning
Political parties have signed ethical rules for election campaigning
On September 21, 2024, the leaders of the political parties signed the ethical rules for election campaigning drawn up jointly with the Central Election Commission in a solemn ceremony...
In the way of social equality and solidarity
In the way of social equality and solidarity
The principle of establishing a social democratic state, which is the party's social ideal, was sealed in the Constitution. As you know, we are providing information about the practical work within the framework of the program in every issue of our newspaper. This time we will continue the same tradition...