Friendship will only grow stronger
Friendship will only grow stronger
During the visit, the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan adopted a Joint Statement. The exchange of signed documents between the heads of ministries and regions of the two countries took place. During the visit, 22 documents were signed covering almost all areas of the multifaceted Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan partnership...
We will use all our strength and opportunities to make women happy with their lives
We will use all our strength and opportunities to make women happy with their lives
The problems will be submitted for consideration to the local Councils of People’s Deputies. Relevant issues will be included in the agenda of deputy groups, standing commissions and sessions. Appropriate decisions will be made, and problems will be eliminated...
The program aimed at preventing problems in society
The program aimed at preventing problems in society
It is noteworthy that the draft decree on the approval of the new state program was submitted for public discussion. The proposals and opinions of citizens, as well as our compatriots living abroad, international experts, specialists of relevant ministries and agencies, representatives of business, political parties and other civil society institutions were studied. This undoubtedly serves to solve the problems that arise in various spheres through state programs...
Problems of disabled persons and pensioners to be solved
Problems of disabled persons and pensioners to be solved
In addition, in order to save the invalids with obvious signs of disability from unnecessary red tape, the assignment of disability will be carried out for an indefinite period to a citizen recognized as a disabled person with anatomical defects that have obvious signs of disability, without additional examination...
It is impossible to build the future based on today’s model and stereotypes
It is impossible to build the future based on today’s model and stereotypes
In a word, the videoconference helped us draw a number of conclusions, get acquainted with the work done by the relevant ministries, organizations and agencies, and, most importantly, ask the question: “What can I personally do that will benefit society?” The issue of youth concerns the entire nation. And in the family, it is a question of the future of the family. If so, each of us must contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives...
The Program, agreed with the people
The Program, agreed with the people
In the state program, special attention is paid to socio-economic issues of fundamental importance for the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, specific directions for their solution are outlined. The mechanisms of implementation of more than 10 issues forwarded in the Pre-Election Program of the PDPU are covered...
We should become active participants of reforms
We should become active participants of reforms
The best world practice shows that the public administration reform, raising democratic reforms to a new level does not happen by itself. It depends on many factors. For this it is necessary to take into account the interests and aspirations of different strata of society, to prepare the ground for their implementation...
PDPU Faction: The amount of penalties should be based on the real income of the population
PDPU Faction: The amount of penalties should be based on the real income of the population
A meeting of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. Deputies first considered the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020”...
Draft Environmental Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Concept, Structure, Basic Provisions
Draft Environmental Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Concept, Structure, Basic Provisions
The adoption of the draft Environmental Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan will make it possible to qualitatively improve legislation in the sphere of environmental safety, environmental protection and rational use of natural resources and its practical implementation for the benefit of the life and health of every citizen of the country...
PDPU Faction together with deputies of local Councils heard the information from two ministries
PDPU Faction together with deputies of local Councils heard the information from two ministries
This year, party groups in local councils studied the issues of providing the population with clean drinking water and improving the quality of public services, as a result of which 54 issues were brought up for discussion by the standing commission, 36 at the session. Appropriate decisions were made...
Protecting women will improve the statistics
Protecting women will improve the statistics
Domestic violence is a problem that international community pays the main attention...
PDPU Faction: Information on the execution of the State Program must be clear
PDPU Faction: Information on the execution of the State Program must be clear
Members of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis heard and discussed the report of the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the State Program “Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy Development” in the third quarter of 2020...
Activity of the PDPU Faction for 9 months reviewed
Activity of the PDPU Faction for 9 months reviewed
A virtual press conference was held on the activities of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis for nine months of 2020...
New mechanism for poverty reduction is being created
New mechanism for poverty reduction is being created
For increasing the role of women and youth in society, it is necessary, first of all, to train them in professions and provide their employment...
It is necessary to ensure transparency of using funds allocated for the social sphere
It is necessary to ensure transparency of using funds allocated for the social sphere
Faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis hosted a meeting. The issue of the execution of the State budget and budgets of state trust funds for the 1st half of 2020 was discussed in detail.
List of members elected from the PDPU to the “Youth Parliament” under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
List of members elected from the PDPU to the “Youth Parliament” under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan PDP: Parliamentary control over the monopolies established
Uzbekistan PDP: Parliamentary control over the monopolies established
This has been reported during an online press conference devoted to summing up the activities of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, as well as the party’s faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis over the past 6 months of this year...
Corruption in Uzbekistan has been a serious problem for many years. For an effective fight against this evil, it is necessary to conduct a systemic analysis of problematic issues, relevant laws, and the activities of state organizations. It is simply unacceptable to act on the principle of “finish today and start again tomorrow” in this issue...
The experience of foreign countries is taken into account to improve and create convenient forms of loan payment. For example, the UK has one of the best educational systems in the world with a high overall enrollment rate in higher education. The main priorities of the country are improving quality, reducing complex regulation and focusing on student needs. The UK provides support through financial assistance: loans at preferential interest rates, scholarships and grants, which makes education affordable...
Submitting a deputy request is not only an authority, but also a great responsibility!
Submitting a deputy request is not only an authority, but also a great responsibility!
A deputy request must be in the name of the case, and not in the name of the request, be addressed to a specific person and contain a specific problem. Deputies should effectively use the right of inquiry. During meetings of our faction in the process of considering issues that we plan to prepare as deputy requests, we observe that we have certain shortcomings in their preparation. Therefore, there are cases when a deputy’s request on any issue is sent not to the competent organizations responsible for its decision, but to other organizations that are not related to it, sometimes issues of deputy’s requests are formulated incorrectly...