Homeland is a big family, each of us is responsible for peace and harmony


The most important goal of the current state policy is to ensure the wellbeing of families, support entrepreneurs, effectively address the socio-economic issues that arise at places and meet the needs and requirements of the population. As is known, based on these aspects, all the territories of Uzbekistan are divided into 4 sectors, the heads of which are prosecutors, heads of the internal affairs system and tax service. Through sector leaders, all social issues that concern the population are addressed.

In order to quickly address the appeals of the population, the People’s Reception Offieces of the President and the Reception Office of the Prime Minister were organized. All these measures are aimed at making people happy with their life, effectively solving their problems and concerns.

These days, through social networks and the media, we observe how various riots and conflicts arise in different countries of the world. Everyone has the right to freely express their opinion and attitude to the authorities. However, this right must be realized peacefully, without the use of violence, destruction and incitement. However, as we observe today in many countries, peaceful demonstrations are growing into riots. Certain groups of people, taking this opportunity, are trying to foment conflict and disagreement among the population.

Homeland is compared with the family. According to popular wisdom: wealth leaves the house for forty days where there has been a quarrel at least once. Ensuring peace and tranquility in the family, properly establishing relationship with neighbors, making decisions that pursue the interests of everyone, is the duty and the main task of the state. Over the past few years, our country has adopted many important decrees and resolutions in this direction, all pressing problems are resolved rationally, deliberately, for the good of people. Particular attention is paid to listening to the appeals of people, the problems that have accumulated over many years are being gradually solved. Undoubtedly, all this takes time. Our main task is to solve all problems by listening and consulting with people.

In such a difficult situation, it is very important that people do not succumb to provocations, the purpose of which is to sow confusion and disagreement among the population. No one will come and solve our problems and concerns for us, we must deal with them together, understanding and supporting each other, showing patience. Only then our large family will be strong.


Shokhista Turgunova,

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

Member of PDPU faction.



Deputat Oliy Majlis
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