Presidential candidate meets with voters from Tashkent city
Presidential candidate meets with voters from Tashkent city


The candidate from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov regularly met with voters in Tashkent city.

Nigora Eshmetova, Chairman of Tashkent City Council of the People’s Democratic Party, chaired the meeting, attended by representatives of various fields, deputies of local councils, party activists, and young people. The proxy introduced the candidate’s biography to the voters. Then the candidate delivered a speech and explained to the voters the essence of the ideas and initiatives included in his program.

In particular, it was noted that the program emphasizes establishing a democratic social state by strengthening the principle of people’s power based on social equality.

One of the most important signs of a democratic society is the equality of society members before the law, the provision of the Constitution, and the rule of law. Consequently, in conditions where democratic values are practiced, state activities are controlled by citizens.

In the program, it is proposed to identify the problems that affect the social mood of the population in advance and implement the mechanisms of their effective solution to the activities of state bodies.

At the same time, by establishing a systematic study of demographic processes, it is proposed to introduce a system of clearly defining the future social obligations of the state.

The annual birth rate in Uzbekistan is almost one million. Therefore, the increase in the number of the population shows its reflection in the industrial sectors. As the population increases, its needs and consumption power increase. Considering the country's demographic growth, it was noted that the social importance of establishing a system of regular study of the most important needs is great.

In addition, the candidate program focuses on the issue of youth, and special attention is paid to the need to encourage potential young people to work in the system of political parties and other civil society institutions.

It is known from worldly development that young people have always been recognized as an active layer of society. In this regard, it is important to constantly encourage and support this layer, which is formed regularly.

The decision-making of governance based on people’s power, expansion of the participation of civil institutions in the life of the state and society, and the priority of democratic values, which are the basis of social equality and social stability, depend to a large extent on our youth, who make up a large part of the population.

The neighborhood is a spiritual and educational place that expresses the lifestyle of our people, spiritual needs, ideology, thinking, mutual neighborly relations of people, family relations, and a rich social structure.

The neighborhood is an important element of civil society, protecting human rights through its means of influence.

Therefore, the ideas put forward regarding the development of the neighborhood system as the most effective and fair form of solving the problems of the population defined in the election program of the candidate and the further expansion of its participation in solving administrative, social, ecological, cultural and other problems deserve special attention.

This initiative serves to further strengthen the status of the neighborhood as a unique democratic institution in the life of the state and society and thereby create conditions for solving the problems of citizens in the community itself without excessive distractions.

In general, the effective implementation of the main proposals and initiatives of the candidate election program formed by the political platform of the People’s Democratic Party will strengthen people’s power in the country and increase the activity of civil society institutions.

The meeting ended with a question-and-answer session between the candidates and the voters.

The activists who spoke at the meeting urged to support the candidate’s program for the President of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party to participate in the elections, showing an active civil position.


Information Service of the

People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.




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