
“Deputy and Youth” meeting
The meeting with young people continues under the leadership of F. Umarov, deputy of the Vobkent District Council of People’s Deputies. At the meeting, the leaders answered all the students’ questions...

A debate club established
The next event, based on the “Discussion, Analysis and Proposal”, was organized by the Bukhara City Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan...

“Maternity and childhood protection under constant attention” (video)
Namangan City Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan conducted free medical examinations as part of the project “Protection of motherhood and childhood under constant attention”...

Motherhood and childhood protection at the center of constant attention
Ellikkala District Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, together with a party group in Ellikkala District Council of People’s Deputies, as well as with employees of Ellikkala District Medical Association, carried out the project “Protection of motherhood and childhood in the center of constant attention”...

Within the framework of the project “Deputy in Mahalla”

Maternal and child health is the most important factor
As part of the project “Maternity and child protection is under constant attention”, the Maternity Department of Kitab district organized a medical examination for children and mothers...

Appeals must be studied!
A member of the People’s Democratic Party’s Deputy Group in Yangiyer City Council People’s Deputies Muqaddas Urumbayeva visited several households in the territory of “Shodiyona” mahalla and studied their problems within the framework of the “Deputy in the mahalla” project...

Women’s legal literacy improves
Deputy of Zomin District Council of People’s Deputies M. Quldoshev met with citizens, mahalla activists, and representatives of the district where he was elected, held a conversation with women and young people living in remote villages, and gave insights on improving the living conditions of women living in the villages...

We will use all our strength and opportunities to make women happy with their lives
The problems will be submitted for consideration to the local Councils of People’s Deputies. Relevant issues will be included in the agenda of deputy groups, standing commissions and sessions. Appropriate decisions will be made, and problems will be eliminated...

Another benefit for women
In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the country “On the parameters of the state order for admission to study at higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 2020/2021 academic year”, four percent admission rates are allocated for women on the basis of a state grant, which has become another manifestation of attention and concern for them.
Such an exemption is granted to women from low-income families who do not have a constant source of income to pay for the contract, who are brought up in single-parent families, have disabled parents, from families raising disabled children, who live in difficult housing conditions and do not have a permanent place of residence, in short, women, in need of social assistance and support...
Such an exemption is granted to women from low-income families who do not have a constant source of income to pay for the contract, who are brought up in single-parent families, have disabled parents, from families raising disabled children, who live in difficult housing conditions and do not have a permanent place of residence, in short, women, in need of social assistance and support...