An issue matter on the agenda of the quarterly session
An issue matter on the agenda of the quarterly session


It is planned to reduce poverty twofold by 2026 by ensuring population employment, training young people and unemployed citizens at the state’s expense, developing family entrepreneurship, and targeting the support of needy people. This is a vast and historic milestone. Achieving this result also means the effectiveness of socio-economic reforms in the country. That is, the halving of poverty is indicative of growth in many areas.

Poverty alleviation is a far-reaching issue. In this case, giving someone a social benefit or a house will not solve the problem alone. It requires complex measures such as economic infrastructure, investment orientation, solving all employment-related issues, and education development.

Therefore, our deputies in local Councils constantly focus on reducing poverty and increasing the population’s income. Control and analysis work is regularly carried out based on the “by mahallas” and “by citizens” studies.

Recently, when we were in the regions with the deputies, the problems of the population included in the social registers were studied. Measures are indeed being taken to employ the population. People are given land and sewing machines. That’s good, of course. But what then? Some citizens cannot recover even with this help. We have such people who are learning a profession, and they make all kinds of excuses such as “low income” and “my parents did not allow” when they come to work. There will be no problems at work if he learns the profession thoroughly. Doesn’t that mean all the effort was wasted?

We often witness this when we talk to voters. Many people do not use the land in their farms wisely. That is why we are paying attention to strengthening propaganda and explanatory work.

Our deputies in local councils are intensifying control and analysis work on this matter. In a quarterly session, they consider reducing poverty, increasing the population’s income, and ensuring employment, if necessary.

The fact that our party has more than 1,543 seats in the Councils of People’s Deputies gives us an opportunity in this direction and doubles our responsibility.


Jakhongir OLIMOV,

Sector Head of the Central Council of the PDPU.

«O’zbekiston Ovozi» (Voice of Uzbekistan), 17.07.2023, No.28









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