As previously reported, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan received permission from the Central Election Commission to participate in the elections. These days, public discussions are taking place in the regions on the comprehensive improvement of the draft of the party’s new election program.
The party activists, its supporters, specialists in various fields, and representatives of the general public are actively participating in the discussions and expressing their opinions and suggestions.
The public discussion of the draft of the new Election Program took place at the Ibrahim Yusupov Art School of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. It was attended by party members, activists in the regions, leaders of primary party organizations, and representatives of the social sphere, particularly in education and medicine.
At the meeting, the Chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov presented the participants with the concept of the new draft of the Election Program.
It was noted that the party is forming its program document based on social justice and equality, social solidarity, and social democracy, proceeding from the goal of building a social democratic state.
The program sets about 100 goals in 10 areas, including implementing a strong social policy, ensuring affordable housing, providing high-quality utilities and qualified medical services, and increasing the country’s intellectual potential.
For example, it was noted that the issues of reforming the pension system, directing revenues from public services or fines entirely to the state budget, supporting local investors, and providing them with the same benefits as foreign investors are of fundamental importance.
It was emphasized that bringing credit mechanisms into line with the principle of social justice, allowing the borrower to sell the mortgaged property, is essential for low-income citizens.
Deputies and leaders of primary party organizations supported the introduction of the institution of consultations between the executive power and political parties when making important social decisions.
Getting acquainted with the ideas and initiatives that are planned to be included in the new Election Program of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the participants comprehensively confirmed that they are based on the principles of social equality and justice, aimed at reducing poverty and strengthening a stable source of income.
During the discussion, the participants expressed their opinions and suggestions for improving education, healthcare, road safety, and landscaping areas near multi-story buildings.