Peculiarities of the political culture of our country are that we are a large single family based on a community of values ​​and ideals, held together by centuries-old, multinational traditions, spiritual, social, human ties. History itself has repeatedly tested our people for strength. Wars, natural disasters, difficult life situations – all this did not break us, but made us stronger, more humane, more united. And now, too, it’s time to unite and mobilize as much as possible. No one should remain aside from the common affair.

Uzbekistan’s leadership has worked in detail and is implementing an action strategy to counter the pandemic and economic downturn.

All measures that are being taken and will be taken are working, giving a result. But the efforts of one state are not enough.

During the pandemic, the number of unemployed and people in need is growing. Many simply need charity or sponsorship.

Our President has forwarded a proposal to form “Generosity and Support” Nationwide Movement. The state appealed to entrepreneurs to help those in need, providing for their part various benefits and preferences for taxes, leasing, loans, and access to necessary resources. Thus, the state will support the population through business entities.

This is a very good initiative. Moreover, now our country itself is demonstrating an example of kindness and support to other states, donating as a humanitarian aid means of protection against coronavirus, food, medicines. And our children look at us and learn to be human.

After all, what is the meaning of the kindness concept? This is selfless creation, spiritual purification and perfection. By doing good deeds, you yourself become better. One act of mercy launches the whole race of kindness. From the flame of one candle, you can light many candles, we share a part of our soul, and the world around us becomes brighter. Life is filled with meaning.

They say that beauty will save the world. F.M. Dostoyevsky primarily meant moral beauty, all the best that people have. Generosity will save the world. I think that this should be the motto of our time.


Yelena Babenko,

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,

member of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan



Deputat Oliy Majlis
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