On behalf of the Councils of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, from June 4, 2020 to June 11, 2020, a working group of deputies was in Andijan region to monitor the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 1, 2020 (No. RP-4700) “On additional measures for ensuring food security, rational use of available resources and state support for agriculture during the coronavirus pandemic”.
Deputies visited Ulugnor, Andijan, Pakhtaobod, Kurgantepa, Buston, Markhamat districts of Andijan region, got acquainted with the current situation, visited agro-industrial clusters, farms, talked with the heads of district administrations, farmers, livestock farmers, residents of makhallas.
Andijan farmers from the beginning of March to the end of November have a round-the-clock hot season – preparing soil, equipment, seeds, irrigation, sowing, caring for the future crop, harvesting and processing it.
Lands of Andijan region suitable for planting crops are used as rationally as possible. In 2020, it is planned to put into operation 2820 hectares of abandoned land in the region, equip these lands, grow vegetables, melons, legumes on them, create intensive orchards and vineyards. Measures are being taken to plant the most adapted vegetable and melon crops for each district in the main aisle, as well as the aisle of orchards (intensive orchards), vineyards and second plots. Andijan farmers plant sunflower, gourds and fodder crops (in areas of more than 500 hectares) on the place of ripened and harvested wheat. In many areas of the region, instead of ornamental grasses and trees in lawns, flowerbeds and wastelands, they began to grow potatoes, tomatoes, melons, fruit trees and forage crops.
At the initiative of Andijan regional khokimiyat, young people with entrepreneurial abilities are involved in agricultural activities, trying their hand at farming. This year, 4,840 start-up entrepreneurs have been allocated about 800 hectares of land. Assistance in training young agrarians is provided by qualified specialists of the agricultural industry and experienced farmers. The issues related to loans, seeds, fertilizers, water, transport are quickly resolved.
Residents of the village begin to live in a new way, mastering advanced agricultural technologies, based on the results of modern scientific research. An experimental ground of the innovative training ground of the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan has been created in Markhamat district – a specialized platform for the exposition of new developments and technologies implemented within the framework of state programs of scientific activity specializing in the cultivation of new crops for the country: amaranth, stevia, milk thistle, helba.
The number of family business enterprises growing agricultural products and engaged in animal husbandry is increasing. Large enterprises, agricultural cooperative farms and clusters also appear (Vodiy Hamkor Agrofirmasi, Interagrostar, Bekzodnaslchilik, Boz Baraka Chevarlari).
Residents of villages, organizing greenhouses for growing vegetables in household plots, are allocated state subsidies. During a trip to the region, deputies noted that greenhouses were organized on almost every courtyard.
The stock of breeding cattle of Dutch, German and Danish breeds in each district has been replenished. The volume of production of meat and dairy products is increasing.
Large and low-income families are provided with poultry, rabbits, goats, cattle by khokimiyats of districts. Therefore, in Kurgantepa district, a cow and 4 rabbits were transferred to a needy family; in a month, rabbits bred up to 16 rabbits. The system of transferring livestock and poultry for temporary fattening has begun to be actively introduced according to the principle: if you feed two, you will receive one as a bonus. Material and food assistance is also provided to poor and large families at the expense of the Generosity and Support Foundation.
Qualified specialists are being selected for organizing the cultivation of silkworms with the adoption of measures for their hiring at the expense of the Public Works Fund. Silkworm eggs are allocated to dehkan farms based on the principle of “Bir honadonga – Bir quti ipak qurti” (One box of silkworm eggs to one family). Farms, cotton growing and grain clusters are involved in the cultivation of cocoons, mulberry seedlings are planted around the fields and on the outskirts of land.
In the districts of Andijan region (in particular, in Ulugnor) that specialize in fish farming, intensive methods are being introduced that increase the volume of fish production.
Everywhere in forestry and in places of flowering plants in the region, the number of apiaries has been increased. Beekeeping clusters are created.
Ensuring food security, rational use of available resources and improving agricultural production are the main priorities of the economic strategy of our country, on the degree of development of which social and political stability in society depends. Monitoring the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 01.05.2020 (No. RP-4700) by the working group of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis showed that in Andijan region this strategy is being fully implemented.
Deputies handed over all proposals on modernization of agriculture and improving the quality of agricultural products to the leaders of relevant structures, which are received based on feedback – direct dialogue with farmers.
Yelena Babenko,
Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,
Member of the PDPU faction.