When our children get sick, we worry, suffer and cry with them, we run to the hospital. Now imagine, some mothers live every day with such a sense of fear and anxiety. Our children usually recover in 3 to 7 days. And how many parents take care of their children with disabilities all their lives?! The life of such mothers and fathers, who raise and care for their disabled children, work at the same time, and also find strength and time for their children, should be an example for each of us.
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to support persons with disabilities and categories of the population in need of social protection”, starting from April, introduces a monthly payment of benefits to the legal representative of a child who is caring for a disabled child in need of outside care. The main purpose of the introduction of this allowance is to support family members who are caring for children with disabilities who need constant care.
This allowance is assigned based on the list of diseases of children under 18 years of age in need of care approved by the decree. As a result, according to preliminary estimates, in 2022, mothers of over 30,000 disabled children will receive an additional $157 billion from the state budget.
Umida KHOJIMATOVA, from the Yuqori mahalla, Izboskan district:
– For 9 years I have been sitting at home and taking care of my daughter. Her brain is developing very slowly. Walks independently, but does not speak well. Sluggishly moving the right leg and right arm. Just learning to pronounce the words. We even sent her to a specialized school. But it was hard for her to go there every day. But the atmosphere at the school had a very positive effect on her development. She learned to count, to pronounce new words. She started going to school again. She cannot play with other children in the yard. She loves her brother very much.
My eldest son Bekhruzbek helps me very much. We live on my husband’s income. With my daughter’s allowance, we buy medicines and receive the necessary medical procedures. I used to work at a school. After my daughter was born, I had to quit my job. My child needs me. Can’t do anything on her own. Everyone in life has both happy and difficult days that he/she must overcome. We have the strength to fight and overcome all difficulties. Most importantly, my children are nearby, we have a strong and friendly family, my husband is our support. Everything else we will overcome.
I was very happy to hear about the decree of the Head of our state. The introduction of the allowance for mothers like me is, of course, an example of high attention and support. And how many such mothers and fathers are there in our country, who daily worry and fight for the health of their children?! I am sure that today each of them feels joy and satisfaction from the fact that they and their children are surrounded by the love and support of the state.
Ilvira KUTLIMURODOVA, from the “Allaniyoz Kahramon” mahalla in the city of Nukus:
– The introduction of benefits in accordance with the decree of our President was an unexpected joyful event for us. The implementation by our state of the idea of “human interests above all else” gives every citizen, including us, moral and spiritual strength.
I have two sons. The first child was born in 2010 with a disability. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP), as well as other diseases resulting from brain injury and developmental delay during pregnancy and childbirth. My son often has convulsions, so I have to be with him all the time. We receive regular treatment. Teachers come home and give lessons. Now he feels much better.
I wouldn’t wish that to anyone. I worked as a kindergarten teacher for 13 years. After the birth of my son, I had to stay at home, as he needs constant care.
I was very happy to hear about the adoption of this decree. I even cried. Such attention paid by our state to mothers like me, constant help and support, fills our hearts with hope and strengthens our confidence in a happy future.
Makhbubakhon Umrzokova, from the village of Moltupi, Gallaaral district:
– My son Otabek is 7 years old. He understands everything. Just started crawling. His brother is in the 3rd grade. He helps me in everything, looks after his brother, play together. My husband comes home every 15-20 days. He is a shepherd, travels to distant places. I am busy with household chores and children. There is no time to be sad and worried. When my baby was just born, I practically did not sleep, did not leave him for a minute. Now his condition has improved a little.
I am deeply grateful to our mahalla, our government, which does not leave us without attention. Recently, my son was presented with a wheelchair, which solved several of our daily worries. Since lately it has been hard for me to carry my son in my arms. Mahalla regularly provides us with benefits and food. And now we will be paid additional benefits. From now on, I don't have to worry about my son’s medicines.
I am grateful for every day I live, for the fact that I have the strength and will to take care of my child. Sometimes he pronounces the words “mom”, “dad”, “brother”. I am glad that every day he learns something new. I left all my worries and anxieties in the past. After all, some dream of a child, or those whose children have embarked on the wrong or criminal path. And my son is next to me, his smile alone, his joy makes me forget about all the difficulties.
Prepared by Gulrukh ODASHBOYEVA,
“Uzbekiston Ovozi”, 23.02.2022, No.8