Strengthening the social protection of women and reducing poverty was defined as the priority of the state policy. Providing the population with new jobs and a guaranteed source of income, qualified medical and educational services, and decent living conditions was raised to a new level in terms of quality.
In recent years, as a result of the reforms, the necessary political-legal, socio-economic and scientific-educational foundations for the establishment of New Uzbekistan have been created in our country. In the program goals of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, comprehensive support for women, especially women in need of social protection, has become a priority, and several tasks have been assigned to party organizations and party’s deputy groups at all levels to ensure the local implementation of the decisions made in this direction. For this purpose, based on the Action Program of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan for this year, the party’s deputy group in Jizzakh City Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan studied the execution of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to improve further the system of studying and solving the problems of women and girls” No. 145 of March 31, 2022.
Through the introduction of the “Women’s Notebook" system – a completely new, transparent system established to support women, ensure their employment, provide vocational training, self-employment, restore their health, and provide legal and psychological assistance, 5268 women with various problems (1st sector-1440 people, 2nd sector-1177 people, 3rd sector-1389 people, 4th sector-1262 people) were included in this register by visiting them and conducting conversations. An Action Plan was developed.
To provide permanent employment to 802 unemployed women, it is decided to allocate subsidies, help them to use their land productively, and create ample opportunities for self-employment by starting family businesses. It is worth noting that 612 women have been employed so far. It should also be noted that 2214.4 million – 29% of loans have been allocated to 174 women to provide preferential loans to 605 women to start their businesses and help them start businesses.
Similarly, one-time financial assistance to 2,110 women who had lost their breadwinners, and, in necessary cases, to repair the houses of 113 women in difficult living conditions, which need to be repaired, but whose families could not afford based on the conclusion of the head of the sector, 1854 people were given one-time financial assistance, while 9 people were helped.
In the same direction, providing one-time financial assistance to 1,040 women with group I and II disabilities in need of social service, as well as those in need of urgent medical treatment, and if necessary, based on the conclusion of the head of the sector, in difficult living conditions (43 people need housing repair, but the financial means of the family are not enough), it is defined to repair the houses of women, to provide necessary medical assistance for needy women who need medical treatment. 1.2 million to 827 people out of 804.4 million UZS of one-time financial aid was allocated; 15 million UZS of support was provided to 6 people.
For the same purpose, 106 women (96 women in need of housing) were paid rent compensation, 10 women were placed in social housing, and if necessary, one-time financial assistance was provided based on the conclusion of the head of the sector. It is noteworthy that 227.5 million UZS of rent compensation was paid to 53 people based on the contract;
In addition, it should be noted that 558 people have been allocated one-time financial support based on the one-time financial support for 605 needy women with disabled children;
It is noteworthy that based on the requirements of the above decision, 82 million UZS were paid to 14 women and girls included in the list of “Women’s Register”, 3 million UZS for the treatment of one woman’s child, and one woman was paid the payment contract of a higher education institution.
Having noted the above actions, it is necessary to point out the shortcomings in fully implementing this decision aimed at women’s social support. Consequently, the analysis of working with unemployed women in need of social support Category 1 showed that only 38 out of 53 people in “Ittifoq” mahalla, 13/6 in “Nurliobod” mahalla, 51/35 in “Obod” mahalla, and 113/64 in “Zargarlik” mahalla were employed. Category 2: working with women who want to get a preferential loan in Obod, Nurliobod, Oqqorgonlik, Qassoblik, Ravalliq, and Shodlik mahallas, as a result of the work carried out by mahalla women’s activists, hokim’s assistants and bank (Xalq Banki, Mikrokreditbank and Agrobank) employees attached to the mahallas was not organized at the level of the decision requirements, mainly it is a pity that only 2 out of 12 people in “Babur” mahalla, 13/3 in “Bunyodkor” mahalla, 15/3 in “Dustlik” mahalla, 51/8 in “Qaliya” mahalla, 41/11 in “Obod” mahalla, 17/5 in “Saikhan” mahalla, 21/10 in “H.Olimjon” mahalla, 93/24 in “Zilol” mahalla, 40/7 in “Olmazor” mahalla, 34/8 in “Uchariq” mahalla, 21/7 in “A. Temur” mahalla, 23/6 in Zargarlik mahalla, 21/1 in “Turon” mahalla are provided with credit funds. Category 3.1: women who have lost their breadwinners, and Category 4.1: women with disabilities of groups 1-2. There are also shortcomings in housing repair. It is a matter of concern that only 14 out of the 156 women in this category were allocated funds to repair their houses.
Taking into account the above circumstances, to fully ensure the implementation of this decision, which is of great importance in the lives of women in need of social protection, to increase the responsibilities of the heads of the organization responsible for the implementation of the decision, the people’s deputies were included in the regular session of Jizzakh City Council, and the decision was adopted at the session.
To consistently continue the work aimed at the full implementation of this decision, the Jizzakh City Employment and Poverty Reduction Department carry out systematic work with the citizens of Ittifoq, Nurliobod, Obod, and Zargarlik mahalla citizens’ assemblies, which are slow to employ unemployed women in need of social support, Category 1, and achieve efficiency by eliminating existing shortcomings, assistant hokims of mahallas and Xalq Bank, Mikrokreditbank and Agrobank of category II attached to mahallas; to eliminate the weaknesses of cooperation with Babur, Bunyodkor, Dustlik, Qaliya, Obod, Saykhan, H. Olimjon, Zilol, Olmazor, Uchariq, A. Temur, Zargarlik, Turon mahalla citizens’ assemblies due to the low performance in the allocation of preferential loans were assigned the task of taking practical measures.
In particular, raising the system of women’s support to a new level and further raising and strengthening the position of women in society, as well as maintaining their social protection, preventing family violence, and achieving gender equality, are important measures.
Jakhongir Olimov,
Sector Head at the Central Council of the
People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan