A meeting of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis was held today. Members of the faction considered the draft Law on introducing amendments to the Urban Development Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning improving administrative procedures in urban development.
According to the information, in recent times, local government bodies have taken decisions on construction permits, reconstruction, and construction of temporary buildings in 586 cases contrary to the administrative procedures in construction. In addition, it is allowed to allocate a plot of land inconsistently with the law. To eliminate contradictions and conflicts in regulatory legal documents and to ensure consistent and uniform practice of law enforcement, there was a need to make changes to the Urban Development Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
With this project, it is proposed to remove the authority of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the executive authorities of the regions and Tashkent city and districts (cities) to make decisions on the construction of objects of urban development activity from Articles 21 and 22 of the Urban Development Code. While discussing this project, the faction members drew attention to its importance. They noted that it would be appropriate in all respects to issue permission for construction and reconstruction according to the conclusions of relevant organizations and experts. The draft law was unanimously approved.
The participants also discussed the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at improving the activity of combating crime”. With the draft law, internal affairs bodies are proposed to use the opportunities of media established by state bodies and organizations within their powers, i.e., to introduce amendments to Article 17 of the Law “On Internal Affairs Bodies” on granting the right to free access to search for persons who are in hiding, evading criminal punishment, as well as missing persons.
Also, Article 35 of the Law “On Mass Media” envisages determining the circumstances of crimes and the persons who committed them by law enforcement agencies. It is also planned to be filled with the third part, which stipulates that it should be published free of charge in media established by state bodies and other organizations from this day itself, including information provided by pre-investigation bodies, investigation, and preliminary investigation bodies, on the search for persons who are hiding from the court, evading criminal punishment, as well as missing persons.
Introducing amendments to Article 14 of the Law “On Rapid Search Activities” on the use of cyberspace opportunities and increasing the efficiency of search and acquisition activities for verification, simplifying the use of the results of search activities is offered.
The draft law, which is comprehensive and includes many amendments and additions, was intensively discussed by the deputies. Members of the faction emphasized that the Law is essential as it prevents citizens from becoming victims of crime and calls them to be aware, to find missing persons in time by notifying the general public, and to identify and expose offenses committed using the Internet or social networks. Proposals and recommendations for further improvement of some articles of the draft law were given and approved in the first reading.
Other issues on the agenda were also discussed at the meeting.