What does the Minister of Education think about the Pre-election program of our party?

Sherzod SHERMATOV, Minister of Public Education:

- It is noteworthy that in the party’s Pre-election program special attention is paid to issues of ensuring social justice and social equality.

We all strive to build a society in which laws work. In this matter, our party must have its own voice and its convincing word. As it is known, one of the important areas of parliament’s activity is the approval of the state budget. In order for our faction to actively participate in the process of forming the state budget, have the opportunity to express own opinion on the funds allocated to the social sphere, it needs to take a sufficient number of seats in parliament.

Are the funds allocated from the state budget for development of education increased or reduced? What is its share in GDP? These questions require specific answers. If members of our faction show their firm position on this issue, they will have the opportunity to advance their proposals when approving the budget for next year. And this, in turn, will contribute to further development of education and increase growth.

For example, how the amount of funds that was allocated from the state budget has changed after the transition from 12-year to 11-year compulsory education? We hope to get an answer to this question in the process of discussing the budget.

Another important question: how are the balances of the state budget distributed? In recent years, budget balances remain on the account of local khokimiyats. Deputies of local councils should have their word in deciding which areas these funds will be directed to. For example, in Namangan region, the remnants of the local budget are directed to the education. As a result, almost all schools were reconstructed and overhauled.

In a word, we need strong deputies capable of protecting and defending the interests of our electorate, the ideas of our party. Only then we will be able to realize our goals, fulfill the ideas and tasks outlined in our Pre-election program.


Congress Elections-2019 Sherzod Shermatov I chose PDP Uzbekistan
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