A round table on the topic “Corruption – a threat to the future” was held.
A round table on the topic “Corruption – a threat to the future” was held at the National University of Uzbekistan in order to inform the public about the fight against corruption and its negative consequences...
Social protection is a priority task
These factors, to which the President of Uzbekistan pays special attention, certainly increase social protection’s effectiveness. In this sense, poverty reduction and the creation of a perfect system of strong social protection have become the main direction of the social policy of the New Uzbekistan...
Exemption from payment of state duty is envisaged in insurance contracts
A meeting of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis was held...
A significant step has been taken towards a social state
Special attention was paid to this issue at yesterday’s meeting, which was chaired by the President of Uzbekistan to discuss how to bring poverty reduction to the following qualitative level. The President announced that conditions would be created for every low-income family, especially women, to have at least one person with a higher education...
The one who spares grain gets grain
Unfortunately, situations like when a state organization financed from the budget spent several hundred million UZS on a single lunch for the participants of an international event cannot be counted...
The minister’s information will be heard at the initiative of the faction
Today, the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan met in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. In the first reading, members of the faction discussed the draft law on introducing amendments and additions to some legislative documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan to improve microfinancing...
Maternity pay should be paid to every working woman
The draft law “On state social insurance” was considered at the next meeting of the PDPU faction...
It is necessary to fight not with the consequences of the crime, but against it
At a meeting of the NDP faction of Uzbekistan in the lower house of parliament, a discussion took place in the first reading of the draft law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Development and Expansion of the Mortgage Lending Market”...
The solution to social problems is a guarantee of economic stability
The lack of legal mechanisms and criteria for determining the minimum living wage in our country, or rather, the fact that they have not been established until now, did not allow for identifying families who need social allowances paid by self-governing bodies...
A good law is suitable for everyone
Observing the activities of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, one encounters interesting situations. Some draft laws are returned to the legislators several times in the first reading, while others cause great discussions in each reading and pass to the next stage under long debates and exchanges of opinions. However, some laws are sent to the Senate after three readings in one sitting...