Towards stronger partnership
Towards stronger partnership


The geopolitical situation in the international arena shows that the pillars of the current world order have cracked. In such a process, it is a vital issue that every actor on the world stage will fight for their place and position in the newly established world order. Uzbekistan’s domestic and foreign policy, an integral and equal member of this world, shows how committed we are to good goals, and the world is witnessing this.

Last week, the President of Uzbekistan participated in the meetings of two large organizations: the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana and the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha, Azerbaijan.


A new partner in the SCO

This year’s meeting of the SCO gained special history with the admission of a new member, Belarus. Now, the organization has 10 equal members, which will further increase its influence in the international arena.

This way, the SCO became a giant organization covering more than 40 percent of the world’s population and 4/1 of the total gross domestic product.

For information, Uzbekistan’s trade turnover with the SCO member states increased by 20% by the end of 2023 and by 15% since the beginning of this year.

Speaking at the summit, the Head of our country noted that the norms and principles of international law are often violated, and the tools available in the world community for solving the growing crises and problems have lost their effectiveness.

In such challenging conditions, it is vital to maintain and further strengthen our commitment to the basic principles of the SCO, which have ensured the Organization’s current success, high international profile, and stabilizing role in global affairs.

In this context, Shavkat Mirziyoyev called for continued strict adherence to the fundamental principles of the “Shanghai Spirit” – mutual trust and mutual benefit, equality, respect for cultural diversity, upholding the principle of consensus in decision-making, and the non-aligned status of the Organization. Upholding the principle of consensus in decision-making, the non-aligned status of the Organization, its openness, non-targeting third countries, equality, and respect for the sovereignty of all members regardless of their economic, military, and political potential.

In his speech, the Head of state touched on the SCO’s most urgent tasks. These are:

First. In the face of an unprecedented global trust deficit, there is an increasing need to find new approaches to ensuring our common security. Therefore, our Samarkand Solidarity Initiative for Common Security and Prosperity is more relevant than ever today.

The adoption of the SCO Code of Good Neighborliness, Trust, and Cross-Border Partnership will contribute to strengthening dialogue and further deepening multilateral cooperation in the new realities, the President said.

Second. Achieving strategic breakthrough in the economic dimension.

It was noted that it is time to develop an Agreement on Trade Facilitation Procedures within the SCO. This could include joint measures to eliminate trade barriers, harmonize technical regulations and certification, and align phytosanitary and veterinary control systems.

Additionally, given the global trend of developing cross-border e-commerce, the Head of state proposed preparing a Cooperation Program by integrating existing digital trade platforms.

Third. Supporting industrial cooperation programs.

The Leader of Uzbekistan proposed to develop a comprehensive set of measures to stimulate mutual investments, primarily in infrastructure, high-tech industries, and the service sectors. It was emphasized that it is important to consider financial support mechanisms for such projects and revisit the creation of the SCO Development Fund and the SCO Development Bank.

Fourth. The effective development of our countries’ economic potential will be facilitated by forming an inclusive transportation system along the “East-West” and “North-South” lines.

The President of Uzbekistan emphasized that diversifying transport corridors is a crucial condition for the sustainable development of our entire region.

He also proposed developing a Plan for the Digitalization of Logistics Procedures, including organizing electronic data exchange on goods crossing our borders.

Fifth. Expanding state-of-art and reliable energy infrastructure across the SCO space.

It was noted that Uzbekistan has adopted a large-scale program for the accelerated development of green energy, annually introducing about 2 Gigawatts of solar and wind generation capacity. We have also started working on a project for the industrial production of green hydrogen.

The Head of state proposed developing a Comprehensive Cooperation Plan to Facilitate Investments and Technology in Renewable Energy.

Sixth. Accelerated digital transformation.

Transitioning to a digital economy, implementing artificial intelligence, and adopting advanced IT solutions are crucial for our countries’ competitiveness. We advocate for the development of the “Future Technologies of the SCO” Program to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices and develop systemic IT park interactions, the President said.

Seventh. It was proposed to consider adopting a Roadmap for SCO countries’ cooperation in social development and protection.

I am confident that implementing specific tasks to improve living standards and develop territories, mainly rural areas, will contribute to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda, the Head of state added.

Eighth. It was noted that developing a joint electronic platform of the “SCO Food Security Atlas” is advisable. This platform will consolidate data on our countries' agro-industrial potential regarding produced goods and supply capabilities.

Following his address, the President of Uzbekistan noted that we are committed to the process of further development of the SCO and are ready to consider proposals for improving the activities of the Organization.



The Informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States, under the motto “Building a Sustainable Future through Transport Connectivity and Climate Action”, was held in the city of Shusha, a beautiful and historical city in Azerbaijan.

The meeting of the leaders of the Turkic world in Shusha has a symbolic meaning. This city is considered an integral part of Karabakh, which, after a long struggle, was again transferred to Azerbaijan. It is also considered one of the country’s historical and cultural centers.

This year, the city of Shusha was declared the cultural center of the Islamic world, meaning it has its place not only in the Turkic world, but also in the Islamic world.

In his speech, the Head of our state mentioned the opinion of Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the state of Azerbaijan: “There is no Karabakh without Shusha, in general no Azerbaijan without Karabakh”.

Five years ago, we became a member of the Organization of Turkic States, in Azerbaijan. In the past short period, we have established mutually beneficial and comprehensive cooperation in more than 30 essential directions, the President said.

The Leader of Uzbekistan drew the attention of the meeting participants to the following priority issues.




The steady growth in trade turnover between the organization’s countries, which increased by 27 percent last year, was noted with satisfaction.

The President noted the importance of establishing a Single Window system and ensuring the continuous operation of customs and border checkpoints.

The Uzbek side also proposed creating a Council of Railway Administrations within the organization, with its directorate in Tashkent.




To systematically solve existing problems in this area, the President of Uzbekistan proposed to create a Turkic Environmental Council with headquarters in Nukus, a large city in the Aral Sea region, the region most affected by the environmental disaster.




Speaking about the importance of developing alternative energy sources, the President of Uzbekistan said that the country intends to increase the share of renewable energy in its energy balance to 40 percent by 2030. To expand cooperation in this area, it was proposed to adopt the Turkic Movement to Green Energy Concept.

The need to strengthen cooperation in creating a modern knowledge economy, digital technologies for developing the creative economy, blockchain and cloud technologies, quantum computing, robotics, and personnel training for the fourth industry was noted. For these purposes, an initiative has been put forward to create a Research Center for the Development of Human Capital of the Organization of Turkic States in Uzbekistan.

The Leader of Uzbekistan emphasized that creating an independent state of Palestine is the primary condition for ensuring strategic stability and peace in the Middle East.

Referring to the situation in Afghanistan, where millions of representatives of the Turkic peoples live, the Leader of Uzbekistan emphasized the importance of the organization’s member states developing common and unified approaches to this issue. “For its part, Uzbekistan will continue to provide the necessary assistance to the Afghan people. We are convinced that the return of Afghanistan’s financial assets frozen abroad will mitigate this country’s social situation”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.

The proposals made at both summits reflect common interests. Uzbekistan’s foreign policy is open to everyone and clearly shows that we are ready for negotiations and that we have our own opinion and position on every process taking place in the international arena. This aspect undoubtedly guarantees Uzbekistan a worthy place in the new world order.


Prepared by Ahmad QURBONOV

based on official reports.

“O‘zbekiston Ovozi'” (Voice of Uzbekistan), 10.07.2023, No. 27



Experts’ opinion

Antonio Alonso, Professor of the University of San Pablo (Spain), commented for the Dunyo News Agency on the results of the participation of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the Informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Shusha, Azerbaijani:

– I would like to note the active participation of the President of Uzbekistan in the Informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States, which was held in the city of Shusha. In his speech, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted the key areas for further development of cooperation between the Turkic states, which is an essential step towards a joint sustainable future.

During the summit, the Leader of Uzbekistan paid special attention to issues of transport connectivity. In particular, he proposed considering the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor. The proposal to introduce attractive tariffs and the Single Window system for business will undoubtedly contribute to creating favorable conditions for the growth of cargo transportation.

The initiatives to establish the Council of Railway Administrations and the Research Center for Human Capital Development in Uzbekistan deserve special attention, as they demonstrate the desire for innovation and the development of the knowledge economy.

The proposal to establish the Turkic Environmental Council in Nukus was a significant initiative. It emphasizes the importance of joint efforts in the fight against climate change. The emphasis on developing renewable energy sources and increasing their share in the energy balance to 40 percent by 2030 demonstrates Uzbekistan’s commitment to promoting the green agenda and environmentally sustainable development.

I am confident that the proposals and initiatives voiced by Uzbekistan’s leadership will undoubtedly significantly contribute to deepening interaction and ensuring the prosperity of the entire Turkic world.


Li Yonghui, Research Fellow at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:

– Uzbekistan traditionally plays an active and constructive role in the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. This was once again demonstrated by the speech of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the Astana SCO Summit, at which he presented a deep assessment of the complex situation that is developing today in the world and the SCO Family.

In these conditions, the calls of the Uzbekistan Leader to strengthen the commitment to the Shanghai Spirit and other basic principles of the SCO are more important than ever. Without mutual trust and mutual benefit, equality, and respect for each other’s sovereignty, one cannot count on the effectiveness of dialogue and cooperation between our countries, and in general in the modern world, to strengthen the cohesion of the SCO Family. I would also like to draw special attention to the Samarkand Solidarity Initiative for Common Security and Prosperity, which the Head of Uzbekistan put forward at the Samarkand SCO Summit in September 2022. This initiative is in many ways consonant with the initiative of the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping on global civilization. In the modern world, respect for the diversity of cultures and the promotion of inter-civilizational dialogue are strategically essential tasks that require deep understanding and implementation.

In this regard, the proposal voiced in his speech by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on adopting the SCO Code of Good Neighborliness, Trust, and Cross-Border Partnership is relevant. In practical terms, this can be based on the positive experience of the Central Asian countries, which have achieved fundamental results in promoting regional cooperation and partnership in recent years thanks to the new regional policy of the Leader of Uzbekistan.






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