It is not allowed to threaten the human spirit
It is not allowed to threaten the human spirit


The ruler of the universe has always been a man,

The highest thought and action have always lied in him.

A man is lonely even in disgrace,

Oh, heaven, your creation is so quintessential.

Abdulla ARIPOV


Sometimes, due to his environment and the events he has experienced, a person finds himself in a situation in which none of his relatives, friends, or colleagues can help him.

Turning to a specialist, a psychologist is not something to criticize now. On the contrary, the role of psychologists is now developing in a positive direction. The need for qualified specialists is increasing not only in social problems, but also at levels of state importance.

The widespread application of psychological science has elevated the human factor to unprecedented levels, directly linking its strength, perception, potential, and mental and spiritual growth with progress, development, and civilization.

The 21st century has its unique mentality. In the developed world, psychologists work in more than 300 diverse directions. Psychological services have permeated many sectors in Uzbekistan, from preschool to higher education, medical institutions to defense, internal affairs, and prosecutor’s offices.

In our country today, the activity of providing psychological support in private order through psychology counseling and workshops online and offline is spreading widely.

However, the current need for a clear legal framework for these social relations is a pressing issue. Negative situations often arise due to the absence of specific requirements for individuals providing psychological assistance in a private capacity, the lack of standards for the quality and content of psychological help and the behavior of psychologists, the absence of a management and control procedure in psychological activities, and the varying influence of unqualified individuals on people’s mental well-being. The need for clear regulations in psychology is urgent and cannot be overstated.

In particular, psychological influence on women through social networks is becoming popular, and this situation, in some cases, destroys the strength of the family. As people brought up in Eastern culture, we must protect the population, especially the youth, from the influences that threaten the stability of society.

A group of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis developed a draft law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On providing psychological assistance to the population”. According to it, since counseling, training courses, and workshops in psychology can affect a person’s psyche, health, behavior, family relationships, standards such as knowledge, skills, and experience, termination of the activities of “psychologists” who have completed 2-3 month training courses, a qualification certificate from psychologists working privately are required from persons engaged in this activity.

The draft law envisages the legal regulation of providing psychological assistance to the population, including the legal determination of the content of the main concepts of providing psychological assistance, introduction of the basic rules, standards, procedure of providing psychological assistance, determining the rights and obligations of the participants, clarifying the categories of persons who are provided with free psychological assistance, creation of legal bases for the activity of professional associations in the psychological assistance, providing psychological support in educational organizations, in addition, determining measures of administrative responsibility for providing psychological aid by a person who does not have the right.

Spirituality is what makes the human heart beautiful and awakens human feelings. Although it is characteristic of everyone, it cannot be said to be a constant dimension. High spirituality is one of the priority goals that the people of Uzbekistan strive for. Preventing negative situations that will be an obstacle to our noble goal and limiting actions that harm people by law are the foundations of a democratic society.



Member of the PDPU faction in the

Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

«O‘zbekiston Ovozi» (Voice of Uzbekistan), 10.07.2023, No. 27








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