The introduction of minimum consumption expenditure made it possible to revise the minimum level of social payments and allowances. This increased minimum pensions and allowances for disabled and bereaved families from 10% to 50% in 2021. In other words, the ground has been created for conducting an active social policy. In particular, more than 2 million people are provided social benefits today.
A poverty line has been set. Now, it is clear who is poor and why. Major poverty reduction reforms have begun. For example, according to official data, the poverty rate was 17 percent in 2021, when the new anti-poverty system was created. This means that in 2021, about 6 million of the population of Uzbekistan belongs to the poor class. According to the results of 2023, the poverty rate in Uzbekistan is 11 percent.
The work carried out to reduce poverty means that the ideas and goals of the People’s Democratic Party are being realized.
Of course, there is no need to prove that poverty cannot be overcome by giving people loans or handing out money. Most low-income families have people who can work. If they get a job, it will increase the family’s income, which will help the family get out of poverty. Based on this, the “Iron Register” was established, the initial task of which was to employ low-income residents.
Currently, the “Iron Register” helps plan the work to lift families out of poverty and coordinates further work depending on those on the list. Youth and women’s registers also strengthen the targeted approach to vocational training and employment.
The most important thing is that through these works, essential steps are being taken to help families in a depressed mood get out of the breadwinner mentality and increase employment. In this process, it is noteworthy that the proposals of the People’s Democratic Party are taken into account, and the initiatives of our deputies are implemented. So, our ideas are vital, and our actions are not going in vain.
Department Head at the Central Council of the PDPU.
«O’zbekiston Ovozi» (Voice of Uzbekistan), 17.07.2023, No.28