In the new era of development of our country, special attention is paid to supporting the population in need of social protection. In our country, this issue has been raised to the level of state policy. Several state programs have been adopted aimed at improving the living standards of the elderly and the disabled, improving the pension system and social protection. As a result, a stable system of targeted social protection of the disabled and the provision of medical and social assistance to them has been created.
It should be noted that on 15 October 2020, the Law “On the rights of persons with disabilities” was adopted. This document fully protected the rights of people with disabilities, they became active and equal members of society.
In accordance with the law, another relevant issue for people with disabilities was resolved – improving the work of medical commissions. Thus, it is determined that the applicant will receive a decision within 10 calendar days. Medical examinations will be free of charge. Persons with disabilities will be treated on a preferential basis in outpatient and inpatient conditions, provided with prosthetic and orthopedic equipment.
Recently, the President signed a decree “On additional measures to support persons with disabilities and categories of the population in need of social protection”, aimed at further accelerating work in this direction.
According to the document, from April 1, 2022, the minimum amount of disability benefits paid to disabled citizens, as well as disability pensions for incomplete work experience, taking into account additional payments, will increase from 440,000 to 622,000 UZS.
A new benefit is also introduced for persons caring for disabled children under 18 who need constant care, in the amount of 500,000 UZS per month. The care allowance can be issued through the public services center, or by contacting the Single Interactive Portal of Public Services, the allowance will be paid by the district (city) departments of the Extrabudgetary Pension Fund.
In a word, the tasks outlined by the documents will serve to further improve the system of social support for families raising children in need of constant care, the introduction of new approaches to the implementation of modern mechanisms of social assistance.
Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,
Member of the PDPU Faction.