Presidential candidate meets with voters from Karakalpakstan
Presidential candidate meets with voters from Karakalpakstan


The candidate from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov held a regular meeting with voters in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The meeting was attended by members of public organizations, deputies of local Councils, party activists, youth, civil society institutions, and media representatives.

Chairman of the Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Karakalpakstan Khalilla Eshimbetov chaired the meeting. After the authorized person acquainted the voters with the candidate’s biography, the candidate delivered a speech. He explained to the voters the essence and significance of the proposals and initiatives included in the program.

In particular, the Election Program of the candidate states that creating sufficient economic and legal conditions for the effective functioning of the market economy and reducing inflation and unemployment while protecting competition should be an important task of the state.

The program includes several proposals to ensure the social effectiveness of economic policy. In particular, the candidate pays attention to the fact that the active role and participation of the state in the economy should be preserved. Because the process of regulating market relations and ensuring social equality in our society cannot happen without the state’s participation.

It should also be recognized that the idea of strengthening the main regulatory role of the state in the program was developed based on constitutional provisions.

The main regulatory role of the state in the economy based on market relations is important today. However, supporters of free market relations try to improve the investment environment, give freedom to economic activity, further liberalize currency and price policy, and privatize and reduce the state’s role in the economy.

Economic liberalization and free market relations only sometimes guarantee the achievement of social development goals. It was noted that the laws of the free market might deviate from humanitarian principles and lead to social differences and deep-rooted inequality.

In addition, the candidate proposed to start from the bottom, assuming that filling the domestic market with domestically produced high-value-added goods is one of the main factors of sustainable economic development. That is, at the level of local governments, it is necessary to form medium-term regional programs for the production of vital and safe food products and daily essential goods, these programs should be in accordance with the state orders on the creation of jobs in the regions, as well as programs for the training of secondary specialized and highly educated specialists.

The meeting was held in a sincere form and in high spirits. Voters turned to the presidential candidate with questions of interest to them. The candidate gave detailed answers to voters’ questions and listened to their opinions.

The activists who spoke at the meeting urged to support the candidate’s program for the President of Uzbekistan from the People’s Democratic Party to participate in the elections, showing an active civil position.


Information Service of the

People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.





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