The Councils of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Syrdarya, and Navoi regions held workshops for city and district council chairmen and officials on “The Content and Essence of the New Constitution”.
At the workshops, information was provided about the history of the creation of the Constitution, its state structure, the system of power and management bodies, their authority and the order of their formation, the electoral system, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the mutual relations between society and the individual. It was noted that the Constitution defines the relations between the judicial system and the state, that the number of articles in our general dictionary has increased from 128 to 155, and that the norms in it have increased from 275 to 434. Besides, the Constitution has been updated by 65%.
Following the workshop, the participants answered the questions about the Constitution, and the party activists were asked to actively promote the role and importance of our basic law in our lives.