Our ancestors’ hard work, testing periods, dreams, and intentions are embodied at the heart of independence. On August 31, 1991, the Uzbekistan people, who always lived patiently and looked to the future with great hope and confidence, achieved their sacred dream – our country gained independence.
Our ancient history, rich heritage, national statehood, sacred religion, customs, and traditions were revived during the years of independence. Today, noble qualities such as kindness, tolerance, solidarity, respect for national and universal values, and the feeling of belonging to the fate and future of the Motherland have taken place from the depths of our hearts.
As a result of large-scale reforms carried out in our country during the years of independence, the foundations of our national statehood were strengthened, and the sovereignty of our country and the inviolability of our borders were ensured. Large-scale work has been carried out to improve the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance, the rule of law, human rights, and freedoms and interests in our society.
Since the day of our independence, the scale of the work carried out, the achievements, and the weight of the achievements and results during the difficult and trying times passed by our people are very significant. The most important thing is that the outlook of our people has changed, their activity in state and society management is increasing, and this certainly means ample opportunities to achieve more significant results in the future.
Currently, another Renaissance process is taking place in our country. The word “New Uzbekistan” inspires our people towards great goals.
New Uzbekistan means new economic relations and a new economic outlook. Therefore, the financial system of our country is being completely rebuilt.
Today, problems related to converting money on electronic cards into cash through ATMs, the fact that the exchange rate of the national currency is the same in the “black market” and different in banks, buying foreign currencies, obtaining citizenship, housing, and goods from any region of Uzbekistan, property purchase and registering have been eliminated.
A completely new and unique system of solving social problems was created in our country, that is, the “iron notebook”, “women’s notebook”, “youth notebook”, “mahallabay” and “khonadonbay” working methods were introduced.
The legal basis of social support in our country has been strengthened. In the renewed Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted through a referendum held on April 30 this year, the principle of the social state was strengthened, and the state’s responsibility in the social sphere increased threefold.
The fact that social support has a specific address makes it possible to assist every person in need, considering his actual needs.
Also, the state budget funds directed to the social sphere make up half of it, and today, 64.4 trillion UZS of funds are directed to this sphere.
Necessary conditions are being created in our country to ensure the rights and interests of young people for their education, work, and the realization of their knowledge and abilities.
In recent years, the level of coverage of our children with preschool education has tripled from 27.7% to 72%, and the number of kindergartens has increased almost 3 times to over 14,000.
At present, significant changes are being made in the school education system in our country based on the idea that “New Uzbekistan begins from school”. The number of presidential, creative, and specialized schools is increasing in Tashkent and our regions.
In the first half of this year, 30.1 trillion UZS or 6.2 trillion UZS more than in the corresponding period of the previous year were allocated to the education system’s expenses, which comprised the central part of social expenses.
Thousands of our boys and girls are learning modern professions in high demand in the labor market in vocational training courses organized in the neighborhoods.
In our country, serious attention is being paid to supporting children who are separated from their parents and need love, their education, getting a job and home, finding a worthy place in society, “Mercy Houses”, special boarding schools, and strengthening the material and technical base of “Children’s Town”. A new system for studying and solving their problems and making their dreams come true – “Mehr Daftari” was introduced. This year alone, 557.6 billion UZS was allocated from the state budget to boarding schools for children with physical or mental developmental disabilities, 21.6 billion UZS for “Mehribonlik Houses”, and 4.8 billion UZS for children’s neighborhoods.
Also, systematic measures were taken to provide housing for orphans and children deprived of parental care.
In the following years, when it comes to ensuring human rights and freedoms in our country, women’s education, work, healthcare, realization of talents and abilities, protection of motherhood and childhood, and extensive gender work on equality are underway.
In recent years, 24 documents, including 2 laws, 6 decrees and resolutions of the President, and 16 decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, aimed at ensuring the rights and interests of our women, who make up about half of the population of our country, have been adopted. This is an expression of attention and care.
Providing preferential housing to women in complex social situations, covering the contract sum of women studying for the master’s degree based on a payment contract from the state budget, accepting women with 5 years of work experience to learn based on a recommendation letter, and 7-year interest-free education loan for women is only part of the conditions being created.
In our country, the system of ensuring the right of women to use social security and payment of pregnancy and childbirth allowances through social insurance in accordance with international standards has been introduced. For these purposes, this year, 15.4 billion UZS of pregnancy and childbirth allowances were paid to 7,732 women working in economic entities.
In conclusion, it can be said that on the eve of the Independence Day of our country, there will be an opportunity to thoroughly summarize the results of our development in all areas and sectors. It isn’t easy to enumerate the reforms being implemented.
We believe that New Uzbekistan will become an all-round prosperous country with strong potential and a decent reputation on the world stage.
Dilbar Mamajanova,
Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis,
Member of the UzPDP faction.