On July 31, 2023, a regular meeting of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. Several draft laws were considered at the meeting, which was held via videoconference.
Among them is the draft law “On privatization”, which is essential in regulating relations in the privatization of state property.
This draft law, developed within the framework of the Decree of the Head of State of October 27, 2020, “On measures to accelerate the reform of enterprises with the participation of the state and the privatization of state assets”, ensures the conduction of privatization of state-owned facilities based on the principles of openness and transparency, legality, creating equal conditions for the participation of buyers in public auctions, based on this, ensuring investor confidence in the results of the privatization of state property and accelerating ongoing reforms to reduce state participation in the economy.
Of course, in the presence of the current Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On denationalization and privatization”, the question arises why the draft law mentioned above is needed. Practice itself shows that to reduce the state’s participation in the economy and ensure the priority of private property, it is necessary to develop and implement a single legal document that thoroughly covers the privatization process based on today’s requirements and studying international best practices. In addition, many by-laws related to regulating operations in this area and conflicts between them create difficulties in attracting potential investors. From this point of view, the draft law “On privatization”, consisting of 10 chapters and 46 articles, is significant.
Members of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan expressed their opinion and approved the document, noting that its adoption will have a positive impact on deepening the diversification of the economy and increasing investment attractiveness based on the full use of the country’s internal resources and competitive advantages.
After that, according to the agenda of the meeting, the discussion of the draft law “On the status of a teacher” began.
It was noted that this law, considered in the second reading, has both legal and political, and social significance. At first, the name of this draft law was “On the status of a pedagogical worker”. Teaching is a separate profession. If you add the word “employee”, the meaning of this concept can be narrowed. Therefore, in the second reading, the term “worker” was removed from the title of the draft law, and the concept of a teacher is described in detail in Article 3.
The main goal of this law, aimed at improving the status of a teacher in society, is determined that the state will protect the rights, honor, dignity, and professional reputation of representatives of the sphere to create the necessary organizational and legal conditions for their professional activities, as well as providing them with social support.
The document clearly defines the procedure for a teacher to carry out his professional activities, his rights and obligations, the rules of pedagogical ethics, training, retraining and advanced training of teachers, attestation and qualification categories, remuneration and stimulation of work, social protection, which will undoubtedly increase the status of teachers.
Deputies, focusing on this aspect, noted that the comprehensive protection of the interests of teachers would give a significant impetus to improving the quality of education.
The draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Economic Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with improving the procedure for verifying the legality and validity of court decisions” caused a heated discussion among the faction members.
In recent years, reforms have been carried out in New Uzbekistan aimed at glorifying the honor and dignity of a person. In particular, consistent work is being carried out in the country to improve the judicial system further, strengthen measures to reliably protect citizens’ and entrepreneurs’ rights and legitimate interests, and ensure effective justice. The institution of checking the legality, validity, and compliance of court decisions with the criteria of fairness is also being improved.
Naturally, time requires to introduce the necessary amendments and additions to legislative acts, including the Economic Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. These requirements and norms are included in the draft law being considered in the second reading.
The draft law introduces amendments and additions to the Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing for the review of cases considered by interdistrict, district, city courts in the court of first instance, in regional and equivalent courts in the appellate or cassation order, considered by regional and equal courts in appellate or cassation procedure, in the same courts in the audit procedure, considered by regional and equivalent courts in the audit procedure in the Judicial Collegium for Economic Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the audit procedure, in exceptional cases, review of cases considered by the Judicial Collegium for Economic Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the audit procedure, as well as the abolition of the system for sending cases by the courts of appeal and cassation instances for a new consideration to the courts of first instance and imposing responsibility on them for making a final decision on the case.
At the meeting, the essence and significance of these changes were explained in detail. It was noted that the legal basis for qualitative changes in the activities of economic courts would be further strengthened, ensuring justice and the rule of law.
In general, it was noted that all the draft laws considered on the agenda correspond to the program goals of the People’s Democratic Party, which is actively involved in comprehensive reforms aimed at developing New Uzbekistan and improving the welfare of the people.