Samarkand region

State participation is necessary for the safety and well-being of the population
A pre-election meeting of the leaders of the People's Democratic Party with disabled people was held at the multidisciplinary central polyclinic in Samarkand. The speakers presented to voters the content of the proposals and initiatives included in the Electoral Program of the People's Democratic Party and the programs of candidates for deputies...

The ideas of the NDP protect the interests of all layers
The beautiful and always modern city of Samarkand has become even more special these days. Every resident of Samarkand realizes and feels that another important political process will take place in the country in the near future...

The deputy meets with voters
Uktam Saidmuradov, a deputy elected to Samarkand Regional Council from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, visited the “Kurgonsolomon” mahalla of Jomboy district and met with the residents...

A meeting with voters from Samarkand takes place
Candidate of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov continued his next meeting with voters in Samarkand region...

Deputies continue studying the situation at places
Representatives of the party got acquainted with the activities of the workshop of a private entrepreneur Normurodov Sukhrob for production of brick blocks belonging to the diversified farm Humoyun Bog’i. As it turned out, the shop operates on a rental basis, the entrepreneur asked for practical help in the allocation of land to him. We agreed to solve the problem within the framework of the law through the auction system...

Social protection should become the foundation of reforms
Urgut district of Samarkand region hosted a campaign under this motto, which turned into a real holiday...
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