Today, the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan met in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. The faction members reviewed the draft Law on introducing amendments and additions to certain legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan to strengthen protection measures against family (domestic) violence.
According to the World Health Organization, every third woman in the world is physically abused by her partner. In 38% of cases of death due to oppression and violence, the spouse or the person living with him is to blame. There are also many cases of violence against children.
With this draft law, Article 592 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility and Article 1261 of the Criminal Code are being introduced regarding responsibility for family (domestic) violence against a child and the procedure for submitting an application for conciliation in criminal cases related to family (domestic) violence, not during the investigation and preliminary investigation stages but during the trial. That is, it is determined that a petition for reconciliation in criminal cases of family (domestic) violence can be submitted only during the trial of the case, at any stage of the trial, but before the court enters the consultation room.
While discussing the draft law, deputies emphasized its importance, increasing the effectiveness of measures to prevent harassment and violence against children and women and improving the moral environment in families. Opinions on further improvement of the draft law were expressed. Proposals and recommendations were given, and the document was approved.
Adoption of this draft law will ensure a comprehensive, complete, and impartial review of criminal cases related to family (domestic) violence and further increase the power of positive influence on the behavior of the person who committed oppression and violence.
The draft law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the “Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman)” was also discussed at the faction meeting. The draft law consists of 9 chapters and 56 articles. It defines additional guarantees for the smooth and effective performance of the Ombudsman’s duties and reliable protection of his rights, honor, and dignity.
Also, with this draft law, amendments and additions are introduced, which provide for the harmonization of two codes and five legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the draft law on the “Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman)”. The Ombudsman’s inviolability, control functions, and procedures for consideration of the Ombudsman’s reports by the chambers of the Oliy Majlis are disclosed. After suggestions and comments, the draft law was approved by the deputies.