What is the fate of our young people living far from their homeland?
What is the fate of our young people living far from their homeland?


At the next meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the information of the Director of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Sadullayev was heard “On the ongoing work on the implementation of measures aimed at legal and social protection of young people, as well as ensuring their employment”.

Based on the given information, Anvarkhan Temirov, a member of the PDP faction of Uzbekistan, addressed a question:

– It is possible to provide all-around support, attention, care, and social, economic, and legal assistance to young people in our country, that is, in the territory of our country. But there are also young people living abroad. In the given information, it was noted that more than 286 thousand young men and women were found to be overseas, and a dialogue was held with some of them. However, there was no information about what happened to them and how the agency assisted them.


Alisher SADULLAYEV, Director of the Youth Affairs Agency of Uzbekistan:

– To solve the problem, it is necessary to recognize its existence. It should be noted that a large system is being formed to provide information about young people going abroad. Based on the available information, last year, several cities of the Russian Federation were visited, in particular, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Samara, Moscow, and Saint Petersburg. Because the largest number of Uzbekistan people work in this country. We communicated with about 25,000 young people. Emphasis was placed on ensuring the employment of those who expressed a desire to return to Uzbekistan and work with governors, their deputies, and officials in their area of ​​residence. Guidance and necessary recommendations were given to those in good condition and earning more than one thousand US dollars. If the money they earn is less than that and they are struggling, a special program was adopted to bring them to Uzbekistan.

Contacts were also established with young people in other countries. Trading houses have been established abroad, and talented people are employed there. Measures are being taken to employ those who want to return as factory consultants and train those who want to learn a profession.






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