It is known that the mandate of the current lower house of the parliament, formed in 2019, will expire at the end of 2024. Now our country is on the verge of an important political process. The involvement of every citizen who has the right to vote in social and political reforms has increased.
The election is a test not only for political parties, candidates for deputy, but also for our people. Because they need to choose a suitable candidate for the development of their region, for their problems to be brought to the representative body, to the parliament, for their wishes to be realized, and for them to be reflected in the laws. Voting is not just about putting a special mark on the ballot. In addition to studying and observing the initiative and qualities of the deputy candidate nominated by the political party, it is also necessary to be aware of the activities of political parties. Then the most worthy and best candidate will be chosen from among many, and the activity of political parties will be evaluated.
In the 2019 election program of the UzPDP, there were new and decisive initiatives to solve many pressing issues of our people. For example, specific tasks were defined to improve the living standards of low-income sections of the population, pensioners, and disabled persons, to ensure social acceptability of the prices of daily consumer goods and services, and to improve the living conditions of rural people.
So, to what extent were they implemented, and how did it benefit people? Today we will think about this question.
Life insurance
One of the most important requirements and indicators that embody people's well-being is the size and composition of the family budget. Naturally, this indicator is measured by the extent to which the consumer market is filled with the necessary goods and social services and the extent to which the population can use them.
For this reason, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan put forward the idea of providing daily necessary goods and services to the needy population after the 2019 parliamentary and local council elections.
Let's first make a brief comment on the relevance of the issue. It's no secret that global climate change is causing serious risks on Earth today. Of course, natural disasters, water shortages, droughts, and desertification make it difficult to grow food products. As a result, there will be an increase in prices in the world food markets, which will not fail to affect our country as well.
From this point of view, strategically targeted and consistent measures are being implemented in our country to provide the population with quality food products. As a result, more than 20 million tons of fruit and vegetable products are grown per year. In recent years, we have had the capacity to store 800,000 tons of agricultural products. In the reports of the International Food Policy Research Institute, it was noted that in the following years, noteworthy works are being carried out in this regard in Uzbekistan.
For example, as a result of measures taken to develop the food industry in the republic, attract investment funds and support export activities, the production volume of food products reached 6.1 billion. exceeded the dollar.
Also, in the last three years, 289.9 mln. dollar amount of food industry products were produced, import volume decreased by 7.4%. The share of the food industry in the republic increased from 14% to 16.6%.
As a result, Uzbekistan was recognized as one of the 14 countries in the world that received a special award from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for achieving the "Millennium Development Goals" in the field of ensuring food security.
But frankly speaking, this is insufficient for our needs. Therefore, this shows that it is necessary to systematically improve the work of achieving food security, which is considered an important component of the country's economic security, and providing the population with daily necessary goods and services.
About performance...
It should be said that the additional measures on the issues we mentioned above were approved by the head of our state on December 28, 2023 "On measures to ensure the stability of the prices of basic types of food products in consumer markets." provided for in the Decree.
A working group of the party faction was formed on this issue. It has advanced foreign experience in legally strengthening state regulatory measures in the field of production and consumption of food products and other goods of daily need, which do not contradict the principles of protection of private property and freedom of entrepreneurship, as well as these issues. organized a study of the recommendations and standards of universal international documents.
At the end of the studies, it is planned to develop the relevant draft law.
Dilorom IMOMOVA,
Member of the UzPDP faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis:
- Consumption of goods and services is one of the factors that determine the standard of living. According to statistical data, despite the fact that the population of our country is constantly increasing, their real income shows a great growth trend, especially in the last 5-6 years.
Today, food security is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Of course, it is appropriate that our country pays great attention to increasing the potential of providing safe, high-quality food products. Within the framework of the Decree of the President of May 31, 2022 "On additional measures to ensure price stability in consumer markets and increase the effectiveness of anti-monopoly measures", the prices of basic types of food and necessary products Systematic work is being carried out to prevent unjustified increases. These issues are regulated within the framework of the laws on the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Our party faction actively participates in the discussion of these laws.
Also, the mechanisms for satisfying citizens' needs for socially important goods are provided in the "On measures to provide the population with certain types of food products", "Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide the population with basic types of food products" It was also defined in the laws on additional input aimed at guarantee provision.
The strategic goal of ensuring food safety and healthy nutrition is to provide the population of the country with safe, high-quality, affordable agricultural products at the level of current and future consumption needs, ration standards, and also to promote healthy society. is to promote healthy eating.
On April 1, 2024, the head of our state "On measures to implement the tasks set in the dialogue of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs who grow, manufacture and export agricultural and food products" decision was made.
According to it, starting from April 1, if the amount of foreign currency not received within the framework of one export contract for fruit and vegetable products does not exceed 10% of the total price of the products charged for export, the system will not be considered an overdue receivable, and no fine will be applied to the business entity. was introduced.
Until January 1, 2026, it was allowed to register as self-employed individuals who collect agricultural products in their neighborhoods and sell them only to local exporting enterprises.
Acceptability of goods and services
Social acceptability of goods and services creates an environment of equality and equal opportunities. The concept of social protection covers not only the provision of social assistance and allowances, but also the consistent development of the system of social services. The People's Democratic Party wants every person's vital needs, goods and services to be guaranteed in real life. That is why he made proposals to legally strengthen the state regulation of prices and lists of socially important goods and services.
Head of the Department of the Central Council of the UzPDP:
- In accordance with the Presidential Decree of 2023 "On additional measures to ensure price stability in consumer markets", until January 1, 2024, import duties on 35 types of food products were set at zero. As a result, there was a decrease in wholesale prices for 24 types of 36 types of goods imported on the basis of customs benefits.
In addition, from May 1, 2023, the expenses incurred by citizens included in the "Unified Register of Social Protection" for cattle, sheep and poultry meat, eggs, vegetable oil, flour, sugar, medicines and medical services VAT refund system was introduced. As a result, relief was created for more than 2 million families.
This was a provision for the interests of the population in need of social protection.
The list of social services and assistance provided by "Inson" social service centers and social workers was approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers from October 15, 2023.
The provision of 15 types of food products and 4 types of hygiene products free of charge every month to single elderly and disabled people who need care of others is in line with the ideas of our party.
From May 1, 2024, single elderly people and persons with disabilities included in the register will receive compensation for monthly housing and communal services and additional cash payments for food products and personal hygiene products. instead, monthly financial assistance in the amount of minimum consumption expenses was introduced.
Starting from March 1, 2024, social workers' assistants will provide round-the-clock service to single elderly and disabled persons with limited self-service, independent movement and orientation. flexible working procedure was introduced.
Controlling the prices of goods and services in a market economy is, of course, somewhat difficult. Nevertheless, a lot of attention is being paid to strengthening state and public control over prices and tariffs. No matter how difficult it is, strict control is being established to increase the responsibility of the parties and maintain the standard.
Also, members of the faction of the PDP of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber, party groups in the Councils of People's Deputies, and regional party organizations participated in the public discussion on the portal "System for evaluating the impact of legal documents".
Studies have shown that the development of a network of social stores that sell food products and daily necessities at low prices to low-income families and other socially needy categories of the population is one of the most common charitable activities in developed countries. In this regard, proposals for additions and amendments to the relevant legislative documents are currently being developed.
In fact, the abundance and cheapness of the markets, the well-established control system to ensure that the prices and tariffs of daily necessary goods and services do not exceed the established norms are another practical result of the comprehensive reforms carried out on the basis of the principle of humanitarianism. we are not mistaken.
The People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, as a supporter of the guaranteed provision of the vital needs of every person, considers it a priority goal for the strata in need of social protection to have the opportunity to use daily necessary goods and services, and to maintain social equality and stability in society.
Correspondent of "Voice of Uzbekistan".
"Voice of Uzbekistan", 28.08.2023, #34-35