The People's Democratic Party is a supporter of a socially oriented market economy


These days, the campaign for elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local councils has reached its peak in our republic. "For the welfare of everyone!" The Jizzakh Regional Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, which is actively campaigning under the slogan in particular, in the children's school "Barkamol avlod" of the Zafarabad district of the region, candidates for deputy from the UzNDP Nuriddin Kholmatov and Feruza Guliyeva met with voters.

The event discussed in detail the goals and objectives set in the new election program of the party, as well as many proposals and initiatives related to the development of the state and society, ensuring equal rights and opportunities, and pursuing a strong social policy. were discussed in detail. It was noted that in order for the party to achieve its program goals, 10 directions and 15 strategic steps have been identified as priorities for the next five years. For example, the party is a supporter of a socially oriented market economy and believes that it is necessary to ensure the social efficiency of economic policy and strengthen the main regulatory role of the state in the economy. It seeks to maintain the active role and participation of the state in the economy, reduce poverty, improve tax legislation and develop the banking and credit sector. To this end, ministries and departments maintain state control over strategically important companies, prohibit their privatization at the legal level, implement a national model of mandatory social insurance for unemployment, support local investors, including providing them with the same benefits as foreign investors. makes proposals and initiatives, for example, on directing all income from the provision of public services or fines to the state budget. It is emphasized that the initial goal of the party's election activities was developed based on the principles of social equality, social justice, and protection of the interests of all segments of the population. During dialogues with voters, it is explained that the future of the country, concern for the future, and active participation of the population and representatives of the public in building a prosperous, democratic state are of great importance. The candidates from the People's Democratic Party, its program and, of course, the vote are called upon to vote for the party.







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