Tashkent region

A program that is fully compatible with the principles of the "social state"
The Tashkent Regional Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, together with primary party organizations and volunteer units, held a campaign event at the mahalla assembly "Nurabad" in the Okhangaran district...

Candidates face voters in Tashkent region
Activists of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Tashkent region, primary party organizations, volunteer groups are also conducting active propaganda activities...

Preparations for the autumn-winter season start
These days, low-voltage power transmission networks and transformer centers on the territory of the “Oydin” mahalla in the city of Krasnogorsk are being completely repaired...

Workshops continue

New projects are the basis for new jobs

Deputy control is being carried out in the mahalla

Constitution and Civil Society

Workshops continue
Tashkent Regional Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan hosted a workshop to clarify the essence and significance of the renewed Constitution...

The presidential candidate meets with voters from Tashkent region
The next meeting of the candidate of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov with voters took place in Qibray district...

Chairman of Tashkent Regional Council elected
A Plenary Session of Tashkent Regional Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan has taken place.
The organizational issue was also considered at the plenum...
The organizational issue was also considered at the plenum...
Address: _________ str.,Tashkent city
Phone: 0371 - 276-96-01
Fax: 0371 - 276-96-78