Appendix No. 3 to the Agreement No. ___

between the Legislative Chamber of the

Republic of Uzbekistan and the Central Council

of Uzbekistan Youth Union

of ______ June 2020



of the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Part I. General provisions

  1. Regulations of the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) in accordance with the Charter on the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan determines the procedure for holding sessions of the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Parliament), the formation of the Youth Parliament bodies and the organization of their activities, as well as regulates other issues related to the internal procedures of the Youth Parliament.
  2. The Youth Parliament consists of one elected member in the district (city) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  3. The activity of the Youth Parliament is based on the activities of members of the Youth Parliament and sessions of its committees (hereinafter referred to as sessions).
  4. Activities of the Youth Parliament are based on joint and free discussion of issues, based on the transparency and taking into account public opinion.
  5. A member of the Youth Parliament may not be a deputy of the Legislative Chamber or a member of the Senate at the same time.


Part II. The first session of the Youth Parliament

  1. The first session of the Youth Parliament shall be convened by the Republican Commission on Youth Parliament no later than one month after the election to the Youth Parliament.

The first session of the Youth Parliament shall be opened by the Chairman of the Republican Commission on Youth Parliament and chaired by him until the election of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament.

  1. The Youth Parliament, as a rule, shall hold the first session with the following agenda:

1) report of the Chairman of the Republican Commission on Youth Parliament on the results of elections to the Youth Parliament;

2) election of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament;

3) election of Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament;

4) establisahment of committees of the Youth Parliament (hereinafter referred to as committees);

5) election of the chairmen, his deputies and members of the committee.

At the first session of the Youth Parliament, other issues related to the organization of the Youth Parliament may be considered and a relevant decision shall be taken.

  1. Secretariat of the Youth Parliament:

1) keeps a list of speakers;

2) registers questions, references, messages, appeals, proposals and other materials from members;

3) informs the chair on the list of speakers and the materials received by the Secretariat of the Youth Parliament;

4) performs other functions on conduction of the first session of the Youth Parliament.


Part III. Election of the authorized persons and formation of bodies of the Youth Parliament

Chapter 1. Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies

  1. Candidates for the position of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his 2 deputies (hereinafter referred to as deputies) shall be nominated by the Chairman of the session of the Youth Parliament or a representative of the Republican Commission on Youth Parliament.

Candidates for the post of Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies have up to 30 minutes to answer questions from members. Up to 20 minutes shall be given to discuss the candidate at the session of the Youth Parliament.

The discussion of candidates for the post of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies shall be suspended by the decision of the Youth Parliament at the end of the allotted time or at the suggestion of members.

  1. Candidates for the position of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies shall be included in the list of secret ballot.

The Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies are elected by secret ballot for the term of office of the Youth Parliament.

The Youth Parliament shall determine the method of secret ballot in the election of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies.

  1. No one may interrupt the vote after the chairperson of the Youth Parliament has announced the start of voting. No one shall be given the floor from the start of the vote until the results are announced.

If the voting procedure was violated during the voting or there were obstacles during the voting, the voting shall be held over again immediately without discussion.

  1. Candidates shall be considered elected as the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies if they receive more than half of the total number of votes of the members as a result of a secret ballot.
  2. If the candidates for the position of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies have not collected the required number of votes, the election shall be held again for the position of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies.

Such elections for the position of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies shall be held in accordance with paragraphs 9-12 of this Regulations.

  1. A decision shall be made on the election of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament and his deputies and is signed by the Chairman of the session of the Youth Parliament.

After the election of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament, the next session of the Youth Parliament is chaired by the Chairman of the Youth Parliament.

  1. Chairman of the Youth Parliament:

- convenes and chairs the sessions of the Youth Parliament and the Council of the Youth Parliament (hereinafter referred to as the Council);

- provides general guidance in the preparation of issues for discussion in the Youth Parliament;

- coordinates the activities of committees and commissions of the Youth Parliament (hereinafter referred to as the commissions);

- distributes responsibilities among the Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament;

- distributes responsibilities to members and committees of the Youth Parliament;

- submits proposals on youth, developed and approved by the Youth Parliament, to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- the Youth Parliament shall conduct international relations in the manner prescribed by the Regulations;

- make proposals on hearing reports of relevant ministries, agencies and organizations on the State Youth Policy at the session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- signs the decisions of the Youth Parliament and the Council;

- organizes control over the implementation of the decisions of the Youth Parliament;

- supervises the activities of the Secretariat of the Youth Parliament;

Resolves other issues within its competence.

  1. The Chairman of the Youth Parliament may be removed from office early by secret ballot in accordance with the decision of the Youth Parliament adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members.

The issue of early dismissal of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament shall be considered by the Youth Parliament on the proposal of a group of members consisting of at least one third of the total number of members.

During the consideration of the issue of early dismissal of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament, one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament shall chair the session of the Youth Parliament.

A decision on early dismissal of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament shall be taken, which shall be signed by the person chairing the session of the Youth Parliament.

  1. Nomination and election of a candidate for the vacant position of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 9-12 of the following Regulations.
  2. The Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament shall perform some of the duties of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament on behalf of the Chairman and shall perform his duties in the absence or inability of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament to perform his duties.
  3. Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament may be removed of their posts by secret ballot in accordance with the decision of the Youth Parliament adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members.

The issue of early dismissal of the Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament shall be considered by the Youth Parliament at the proposal of a group of members consisting of at least one third of the total number of members.

The issue of early dismissal of the Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament may also be raised by the Chairman of the Youth Parliament.

A decision on early dismissal of the Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Parliament shall be made and signed by the Chairman of the Youth Parliament.

  1. The Chairman of the Youth Parliament may not be elected to the committees.


Chapter 2. Council

  1. The Council is formed in order to effectively organize the activities of the Youth Parliament, to coordinate the work of committees, to organize the preliminary consideration of the planning issues of the preparation of draft resolutions.

The Council consists of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament, his deputies, chairmen of committees.

The Council is chaired by the Chairman of the Youth Parliament, who chairs the Council and signs its decisions.

  1. The Council meets as needed between sessions of the Youth Parliament.

Sessions of the Council shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman of the Youth Parliament, and in his absence or in the event of his inability to perform his duties, one of his deputies convenes or chairs the session.

  1. Council:

- forms the draft agenda of the session of the Youth Parliament;

- coordinates the work of committees;

- takes a decision on consideration of the draft proposals on youth issues by the Youth Parliament or on the conclusion of the committee responsible for the initial consideration of the draft resolution on its refusal to consider;

- assists in organizing the work of a member of the Youth Parliament in the district;

- resolves other issues related to the organization of the Youth Parliament.

The Council shall take decisions on the issues within its competence by a majority vote of the total number of its members.

  1. Draft resolutions of the Council and other documents to be considered at its session shall be submitted to the Council, as a rule, at least three days before the beginning of its session.

Members of the Council, as well as other persons participating in its sessions, shall be notified in advance of the issues to be considered at the sessions and the necessary materials shall be provided.

The protocol of the session shall be drawn up and signed by the Chairman of the session.

Members shall be informed of the issues considered by the Council and the decisions taken by it.


Chapter 3. Committees

  1. Committees, consisting of the Chairman, his deputy and members from among the members of the Youth Parliament for the term of office of the Youth Parliament, are selected for the initial consideration and preparation of issues to be discussed by the Youth Parliament, to monitor the implementation of decisions adopted by the Youth Parliament.
  2. The following committees shall be created in the Youth Parliament:

- Committee for Youth Legal Literacy and Crime Prevention;

- Committee on Culture and Arts;

- Committee on Physical Culture and Sports;

- Committee on Media and Innovations;

- Committee on Spirituality, Enlightenment and Reading Development;

- Committee on Science and Education;

- Committee on Development of Volunteering;

- Committee on Health, Environment and Social Affairs;

- Committee on Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Development;

- Committee on Tourism and International Affairs.

  1. Candidates for the position of the Chairman of the committee, his deputy and members of the committee are nominated by the Chairman of session of the Youth Parliament or the representative of the Republican commission on Youth Parliament.

The Chairman of the committee, his deputy and members of the committee are elected at the session of the Youth Parliament by a majority vote of the total number of members.

The Youth Parliament takes a decision on the election of the Chairman of the committee, his deputy, as well as members of the committee. All members of the committees shall enjoy equal rights.

  1. Chairman of the Committee:

- organizes the preparation of a draft work plan of the committee and takes control over the implementation of the committee’s approved work plan;

- organizes the preparation of necessary materials, convenes sessions of the committee and chairs them;

- gives instructions to the members of the committee, sends them materials and documents related to the activities of the committee;

- appoints members of the committee to participate in the work of working groups to consider the issues, as well as to perform other tasks of the committee;

- invites representatives of government agencies and non-governmental non-profit organizations, scientific institutions, experts and scientists, representatives of business entities, the press, television, radio and other media to participate in the work of the Committee;

- the Youth Parliament acts on behalf of the committee at the sessions of the Council;

- organizes the work on implementation of the decisions of the committee;

- informs the Youth Parliament, the Council and the Chairman of the Youth Parliament on the implementation of their tasks;

- informs the members of the Committee on implementation of the decisions of the Committee and consideration of its recommendations.

  1. Deputy Chairman of the Committee shall perform some of his duties on behalf of the Chairman of the Committee and shall act as the Chairman of the Committee in the absence of the Chairman or in cases when he is unable to perform his duties.
  2. The committees organize their work in accordance with their plans, as well as the instructions and recommendations of the Youth Parliament, its Chairman and the Council.

The committees are accountable to the Youth Parliament.

  1. Committees:

- on their own initiative or on behalf of the Youth Parliament develop draft resolutions of the Youth Parliament on the issues within their competence;

- carry out preliminary consideration of draft resolutions and their preparation for consideration in the Youth Parliament;

- give conclusions on draft resolutions, make proposals to the Council on the inclusion of the draft resolution in the agenda of the session of the Youth Parliament, to continue working on it or to reject them with justification;

- are responsible for a specific draft resolution or other issue within the competence of the Youth Parliament on behalf of the Youth Parliament or on the recommendation of the Council;

- hear the views of the initiators on issues related to the draft resolution;

- prepare proposals for introducing amendments or additions to the text of the draft resolutions of the Youth Parliament;

- takes control over the implementation of the decisions of the Youth Parliament.

  1. Sessions of committees are held between sessions of the Youth parliament, if necessary.

The session of the Committee shall be convened by its Chairman on his own initiative or on the initiative of at least half of the total number of members of the Committee.

The Chairman of the committee shall, as a rule, inform the members of the committee about the session of the committee at least two days in advance, as well as notify the other participants of the session in advance.

Sessions of committees shall be valid if at least half of the members of the committee are present.

The session of the Committee shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Committee.

  1. A member of the Youth Parliament must be present at the sessions of his membership committee.

If it is not possible to be present at the committee session, the member shall notify the Chairman of the committee in advance.

Representatives of government agencies and non-governmental non-profit organizations, scientific institutions, experts and scientists, business entities, the press, television, radio and other mass media may be invited to the sessions of the committees.

  1. The committees make decisions on the issues under consideration by a majority vote of all members of the committee. The decision of the Committee shall be signed by the Chairman of the session.


Part IV. Procedure for holding sessions of the Youth Parliament and its bodies

  1. The organizational form of the Youth Parliament is its sessions, which are held as needed, but at least twice a year.

Sessions of the Youth Parliament are valid if at least half of the total number of members of the Youth Parliament participate in their work.

An extraordinary session of the Youth Parliament may be convened at the proposal of the Chairman of the Youth Parliament or at the proposal of at least one third of the total number of members of the Youth Parliament.

The Youth Parliament Council convenes between sessions of the Youth Parliament.

Sessions of the committees of the Youth Parliament are held between the sessions of the Youth Parliament as needed.

Sessions of committees of the Youth Parliament shall be valid if at least half of the committee members are present.

Sessions of committees are not held during the sessions of the Youth Parliament.

  1. The issues to be considered at the session of the Youth Parliament shall be included in the draft agenda in the order of their consideration is indicated by the committees of the Youth Parliament responsible for the preparation of each issue for consideration, speakers (speakers with additional reports), as well as other information.

The draft agenda of the session of the Youth Parliament is compiled by the Council of the Youth Parliament.

Members of the Youth Parliament shall be notified in advance of the issues included in the draft agenda of the session of the Youth Parliament.

The agenda of the session of the Youth Parliament is approved by the decision of the Youth Parliament.

  1. Sessions of the Youth Parliament shall be open and transparent and may be covered by the media.
  2. Sessions of the Youth Parliament shall be conducted in the state language and, if necessary, synchronous translation into other languages is provided on the basis of the decision of the Youth Parliament or its Council.
  3. The duration of speeches and additional speeches and closing remarks at the session of the Youth Parliament, as agreed by the Chairman with the speakers (speakers with additional reports), as a rule, is up to 30 minutes for lectures, up to 20 minutes for additional reports and closing speech is set to a time limit of up to 15 minutes.

Speakers in the negotiations are given up to 10 minutes. Up to 3 minutes shall be allocated for repeated speeches in the negotiations, as well as for the order of the session, the reasons for voting, speeches on the candidates, questions, suggestions, messages and information.

With the consent of the majority of members of the Youth Parliament present at the session, the Chairman may set the general term of discussion of the agenda of the Youth Parliament, the time for questions and answers, extend the time of speaking.

At the sessions of the Youth Parliament, a member of the Youth Parliament may speak on the same issue at most twice in the negotiations.

The speaker and the person who delivered the additional speech shall have the right to make a closing speech after the decision to terminate the negotiations has been made.

If a member of the Youth Parliament speaks for more than the allotted time or does not speak on the issue under discussion, the Chairman of the Youth Parliament shall deprive him of the right to speak after one warning.

  1. Sessions of the Youth Parliament, as a rule, are held on working days: from 10.00 to 13.00 and (after a break) from 15.00 to 18.00.

The decision of the Youth Parliament may set another time for the beginning and end of the sessions and a break of the Youth Parliament.


Part V. Consideration and adoption of the decisions of the Youth Parliament

  1. The Youth Parliament makes decisions on the issues included, as well as on the organization of the internal activities of the Youth Parliament.

When the draft resolution is submitted to the Youth Parliament, it shall be accompanied by a brief explanatory note and other necessary materials.

  1. The Chairman of the Youth Parliament shall establish a committee and a term responsible for the initial consideration of the draft resolution of the Youth Parliament.

After hearing the information of the representative of the responsible committee, the Council of the Youth Parliament decides to include the draft resolution in the agenda of the session of the Youth Parliament and appoints a rapporteur.

The report of the representative of the responsible committee shall be heard at the session of the Youth Parliament, and based on the results of the discussion, the decision of the Youth Parliament shall be adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Youth Parliament.

  1. If, following the results of voting, the proposal to adopt a draft decision has not received the required number of votes, the proposal shall be considered rejected.

Part VI. Closing provisions

  1. Regulations, amendments and additions to them are introduced in accordance with the legislation.
  2. Procedures for holding sessions of the Youth Parliament, consideration of other issues related to the activities of the Youth Parliament not provided for in the Regulations are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Youth Parliament at the session of the Youth Parliament, shall be formalized by a protocol and shall be effective from the date of its adoption.